Echo VR PCVR Install [Nakama]

Applicable from April 2024 onwards to install Echo VR on a VR capable PC (with or without previously owning the game).
Full details available in the Echo VR Lounge discord server in the # help-menu
00:00 Pre-install
QG Step 1 - Install Echo VR via the Meta Quest Link PC app (if you previously owned it) and launch the game. Close the game.
00:20 Delete directory
QG Step 2 - Delete the directory ready-at-dawn-echo-arena (if you performed the previous step), under C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\
01:00 Download Echo VR
QG Step 3 - Download the working Echo VR client from:
01:45 Extract the zip file
QG Step 4 - Extract the zip file into the C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\ directory
Skip to QG Step 6
- No Longer Required -
Replace config.json file
QG Step 5 - Delete config.json file in the C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software
eady-at-dawn-echo-arena\_local folder. Go to ⁠Config File and download this config.json file. Move it to the \_local folder (ensure it's named config.json, nothing else)
- No Longer Required -
05:04 Run the game
QG Step 6 - Connect and start your headset. Run the game by executing C:\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software
06:10 Update pnsovr.dll file
QG Step 7 - If you receive an error about 'prerequisites are missing', join the Echo VR Patcher discord server, and follow the instructions to create a .dll file. You'll receive a DM. This DM can take a few hours to turn up, and will contain a file (ensure it's named pnsovr.dll when you move it into the instructed directory, nothing else)
09:25 Link headset
QG Step 8 - You'll be requested to link your headset to your Discord account. Perform this command in the Echo VR Lounge discord server (under the # command-central channel)
