दुश्मनो को दूर से उड़ा दे इतनी ऊँचाई पर तैनात थी तोपे,Tour of Mehragarh Fort Jodhpur Rajasthan india


roa Jodha the chief of the Rathore clan, is credited with the origin of Jodhpur in India.He founded Jodhpur in 1459 as the capital of Marwar
Jai Pol ("Gate of Victory"), built by Maharaja Man Singh in 1806 to celebrate his victory in a war with Jaipur and Bikaner.
Fateh Pol, built to celebrate a victory over the Mughals in 1707;
Gopal Pol, it is the second Pol after Fateh Pol.
Dedh Kangra Pol, which still bears the scars of bombardment by cannonballs;
Amruti Pol, it is in between Dedh Kangra Pol and Loha Pol.
Loha Pol, which is the final gate into the main part of the fort complex. Immediately to the left are the handprints of the ranis and some princesses, who had committed Sati over the years after death of their husband.
Suraj Pol, inner most gate which provides access to palace complex and Daulat Khana Chauk.

