DSC Council Meeting - February 29, 2024

Agenda Item 1 - Welcome, Introductions, and Pledge of Allegiance
Agenda Item 2 - Roll Call - Establish a Quorum
Agenda Item 3 - Public Comment
At this time, members of the public may comment on any topic within the jurisdiction of the Council that is not listed on the agenda.
Agenda Item 4 - Consent Calendar (Action Item)
Items for the consent calendar are expected to be routine and non-controversial. The Council will be asked to approve all items on the consent calendar without discussion. If any councilmember requests that an item be removed from the consent calendar, it will be removed. Removed items may be taken up either immediately after the consent agenda or placed later in the agenda at the chair’s discretion.
A) Adoption of January 25, 2024 Meeting Summary
B) Consideration and Possible Approval of an Amendment to a Contract with the Regents of the University of California San Diego, California Sea
Grant for the Position of Social Scientist Extension Specialist (Resolution 2024-04)
Agenda Item 5 - Chair’s Report (Information Item)A) Delta Plan Interagency Implementation Committee Update (Information Item)
Agenda Item 6 - Executive Officer’s Report
The Executive Officer will provide an update on the Council’s activities and provide the Council with updates on outgoing correspondence, the Outreach Highlights Report, the Active Projects List, and other relevant documents.
A) Legal Update (Information Item)
B) Legislative Update (Action Item)
The Council may discuss current legislation that could affect the Council and/or implementation of the Delta Plan and may take action to express
support, opposition, or seek to amend any of the bills listed in the monthly legislative report.
C) Tribal Engagement Update (Information Item)
The Council will receive an update on Tribal engagement activities since the April 2023 Tribal listening session.
D) Council Priorities (Information Item)
Council staff will present the proposed 2024 Council Work Plan to continue supporting the Council’s mission of furthering the coequal goals of providing a more reliable water supply for California and protecting, restoring, and enhancing the Delta ecosystem pursuant to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Reform Act of 2009.
Agenda Item 7 - Lead Scientist’s Report (Information Item)
Delta Lead Scientist Dr. Lisamarie Windham-Myers will update the Council on Delta Science Program activities. The Lead Scientist Report provides the Council with unbiased advice on matters of scientific importance in the Delta. In addition, the monthly report offers an opportunity for discussion of relevant advances in science impacting the Delta.
Agenda Item 8 - Staten Island Wetland Restoration and Carbon Farming for Habitat, Climate, and Communities (Information Item)
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy, and the Nature Conservancy will present on the Staten Island Wetland Restoration and Carbon Farming for Habitat, Climate and Communities Project, which aims to conserve, restore, and assist in the recovery of fish and wildlife populations.
Agenda Item 9 - California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Delta Conveyance Update (Information Item)
Staff from DWR will provide an update on ongoing activities concerning the Delta Conveyance Project.
Agenda Item 10 - Preparation for the Next Council Meeting
