Driving Test Fail Bromley 23rd February 2024 @ 14:32pm

The candidate here failed due to driving in the bus lane near Bromley North bus garage near the railway station. Go to 07:22 and you can see the signs are there. You can also see the camera on the post there. Whether or not they get away with that only time will tell! The examiner had to tell them to drive away from the bus lane.
An earlier fault at the end of Ronalds Road didn't pick up a serious mark but they should have been positioned at the give way line on the right-hand side of the road to turn right as it is a one-way street. Lucky for them the car behind was turning left so didn't interfere with them but if they were turning right it would have a different story. You can see the one-way street sign on the left as the left turn is being done @ 05:31 and also the fact that the arrow on the road from the opposite direction before turning into Ronalds Road is pointing to the same direction on the right-hand side of the road. So even missing the one-way street sign on the left which is quite small doesn't excuse the error made at the end of the road. Still, that didn't cause a serious mark so it doesn't matter too much.
Contact me at: paul@pauls-driving-school.com
