Driving from somewhere east of Jericho Beach to Walmart Capilano Mall in North Vancouver!
Extremely congested city with no highway infrastracture like in Toronto, Canada's biggest city!
In many places, cycling from Point A to Point B is faster than a personal vehicle or a bus!
Lions Gate Bridge that connects North Vancouver with City of Vancouver on Route 99 is a driving nightmare!
Worst North American city for anybody who owns a personal vehicle!
Highest gas prices in entire North America!!!
Full of expensive EVs, mostly Tesla including the high-end models, far-left enviro-socialist Provincial NDP Govt subsidises (with ICE-vehicle owners' money!) rich ppl buying very expensive EVs, thank God BC & Quebec are the only Canadian provinces or territories offering rebates for anybody who wants to buy an EV!
Because Ontario has no such provincial rebates, no more than 10% of EVs in Toronto (mostly rich socialists living in downtown core area!) out of the total of EVs I've seen in Vancouver and its suburbs in about a week!
A city with two faces: rich ppl driving very expensive vehicles while on East Hastings St a very sumbre and horrible type of lifestyle openly tolerated by the city council and Vancouver's Mayor:
To sum it all up, Vancouver is an extremely unfriendly city to visit using your personal vehicle!
Once is fine, mostly curiosity, second time... NEVER again!
Drive safely but especially good luck out there!
