Dr. Lisa Mallett Talks About Her Step-by-Step Clear Aligners Training

Dr. Lisa Mallett shares her experience from the Step-by-Step Clear Aligners Course. Dr. Mallett, a beginner in clear aligner therapy, took this course to learn everything from the start.
In this video, she talks about how the course has made her ready to start treating patients with clear aligners next week. She feels confident and is thankful for learning about two types of aligners, Invisalign and SureSmile, from Dr. Ameen, who made learning fun and kept everyone interested.
Dr. Mallett also mentions how the course was well organized, with hands-on practice and a good manual to follow. She enjoyed Dr. Ameen's teaching because he was funny and kept the class lively. She thanks the whole team for doing a great job.
If you want to learn more about this course check out our website: hightechdentalseminars.com/cl...
