Doom II: Sunlust - Map02: Down Through (HNTR-MAX)


Game: doom2
PWAD: sunlust
Level: Map02
Authors: Zachary Stephens (Ribbiks) and Daniel Jakobsson (dannebubinga)
Difficulty: Hey, Not Too Rough
Source port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 (-complevel 9)
No mid-level saves, pistol start, 100% kills and secrets.
While the second map still is easy and very generous with powerups (well, it's the easy difficulty after all), we have two arch-viles! Also, the map is very nonlinear, and I kept getting lost. Also, two monsters are broken on the easy difficulty, so it's impossible to get 100% kills.
1:17 - Secret #1
4:08 - Secret #2
5:06 - Secret #3
Link to WAD:

