Don't Worry about Reading More Books. Focus on Reading Better.

There is a lot of content out there about how to read more. Instead, you should focus on reading better.
Having a reading goal isn't a bad thing. For many of us, it is a motivator. I usually set a reading goal each year. But I've found that when I set that goal too high, I focus on reading for the sake of meeting the goal rather than reading for the sake of knowledge or self-improvement.
In this video, I go over why we should focus on reading better - we should focus on becoming better readers. This often means slowing down and reading fewer books.

Пікірлер: 336

  • @sunshineissexy
    @sunshineissexy Жыл бұрын

    I spend an entire month reading a single poetry collection. Less than 100 pages. I spent days on just one poem, and every day it felt different. It’s worth it!

  • @OoOo-qb5ec


    Жыл бұрын


  • @emmanuelavilaeguiarte2042


    Жыл бұрын

    Could you be so kind in sharing which book was it? I think is kind of difficult to find a good compilation of poetry and not only wishful, happy, instagrammable poems 😅

  • @kevinvitualla


    Жыл бұрын

    as for me, i decided to memorize atleast 2 poems per month. I was so moved when I first read The Bottom Of The Ocean by Bob Hickok and that pushed me to memorize more poems.

  • @cdgarcia


    Жыл бұрын

    Wow love this commitment like sipping and savoring a great cup of coffee

  • @Laocoon283


    Жыл бұрын

    Poetry is different from a novel though cause a poem is basically an entire story packed into a single page worth of text. So it makes sense that you would spend more time on a page of poetry vs a page of prose. It's more dense

  • @izzythomas848
    @izzythomas848 Жыл бұрын

    Wow: "Toxic productivity culture." Such a useful and precise phrase that can be applied to so many aspects of our lives. Thank you.

  • @ppljksppljks7355


    Ай бұрын

    What is your opinion on the effectiveness of rereading compared to active retrieval methods?

  • @annasonnenblume
    @annasonnenblume Жыл бұрын

    You’re now part of my commonplace book with the quote: “treat books as friends”. ❤

  • @armandoff91


    Жыл бұрын

    In case you want to know. That's from Seneca - Letters from a Stoic.

  • @JhoferGamer


    8 ай бұрын


  • @Yesica1993
    @Yesica1993 Жыл бұрын

    This was encouraging. I love reading. And I watch way too many Booktube channels. It's so silly, but I have started to wonder what's wrong with me that I can only read an average of 20 books a year, while so many people boast of at least double that. My best year was 42. But that was unusual. Am I such a slow reader? I am reading all the time! There are books piled everywhere around my apartment! What is wrong with me? But you're right. When I do fly through books, I can't remember what they're about. What's the point? I love reading long books that I savor and live with for weeks or months. When I take my time and read in different settings, I remember things more because I have physical "markers", if that makes sense. I remember reading The Return of the King and crying on the train. I remember going to babysit and it unexpectedly rained and my poor paperback copy of Jane Eyre got soaked and I put it on the kitchen table to dry. I am now remembering my reread of J.I. Packer's Knowing God on the train and during the walk from the train station to the church on Sundays. It works better with physical books, but I'm even starting to get better with ebooks. (I'm actually realizing these things as I am writing this out, so thank you!)

  • @bailey1368


    Жыл бұрын

    I think it's ok to be a slow reader, as not everyone is built to read a book in a week. To be more personal, I have ADHD so I have a difficult time getting into reading especially if the book is not an immediate 5 star thriller. Sometimes it takes me just savoring the information, and pondering it, to start becoming invested in the book. I let the ideas or the imagery provided bounce around in my chaotic ADHD brain; and I come up with all kinds of questions or connections that I never would have thought of if I didn't take a moment to "sit with it". I still struggle with "keeping up" with others goodreads lists and their completed 50 book reading goals, but I need to think about myself and what will bring me the most satisfaction.

  • @Yesica1993


    Жыл бұрын

    @@bailey1368 Oh, I agree! Always comparing yourself with others is a trap. It's pointless. Whether it's reading or any other type of activity, we're always going to find someone who is ahead of us or behind us. Looking at others might help with inspiration and thinking about general goals. But in the end, if you're not improving yourself, what does it matter? Yourself is the only person you have any control over anyway! I think the key is 1) consistency and 2) having realistic goals. When it comes down to it, it's more beneficial to read a few books a month or even "just" one, and really get something out of them, than it is to read 20 books and barely remember them. I need to remind myself of all these things. Take care!

  • @ant7936


    Жыл бұрын

    There are some modern novels (detective/ thriller/ spy) that can be read in a day, just for fun, but there are others, usually classical, which demand more attention and face greater rewards.

  • @jshaers96


    Жыл бұрын

    I completely agree, this obsession with how many books you have read means that you are focusing on quantity rather than quality. Reading is supposed to be a pleasure and guzzling everything down so that you can get on to the next book doesn't make any sense. If something is worth your time then it's worth taking your time over. It's borderline addictive behaviour and people shouldn't be embarrassed that they have a more relaxed approach to reading.

  • @joelebsworth4259


    Жыл бұрын

    What’s the rush? I’ve never understood the benefit of reading more, just to gloat about it. Read slow and deep homie 😊

  • @EmilynWood
    @EmilynWood Жыл бұрын

    When I got sucked into the temptation of raising my goal to read more and more books every year, I found myself reading shorter books--kids picture books--and manga in order to meet the goal. Now, I do like manga, but I'm realizing the frenzy has kept me from being more intentional and letting myself tackle harder books. I would think, "Oh, that [insert classic] would take too long to read, I need a book that is easy to read so I can read more books." I will definitely start implementing this video's advice more.

  • @KillerofGods


    4 ай бұрын

    I was thinking of setting aside some dedicated time to read harder books. And using more entertaining books on an e-reader as a distraction rather than my phone. Right now I'm just starting off with 15 minutes a day and hope to get to 30m to an hour. Using the easier books as a type of reward.

  • @EmilynWood


    4 ай бұрын

    @@KillerofGods This year I've set my goal to read two big classics and let myself read whatever else I want to read in the midst of that. So far it's helping me read more.

  • @bailey1368
    @bailey1368 Жыл бұрын

    I'm currently trying to find where I am as a reader. Really I think that I like the idea and the aesthetic of being a reader. It's the idea that someone who loves books is well spoken, has strong evidence to support their own ideas and values, and overall is someone who is seen as intelligent. When you said that your best was 76 books I was astonished as my goal for the past few years has been 20 (a goal that is never reached), and I think that so many people are ahead of me. I try to read faster, or skip paragraphs that I think don't matter just for the sake of getting a book checked off the list. Then when someone asks me how I feel about the book.. I have nothing. I'm trying to use numbers to reach this idealized version of myself that will never exist, especially when the books I "read" never stick in my mind.

  • @bailey1368


    Жыл бұрын

    @@_jared If ever in the future you were thinking of talking about it, I would really like to know how you analyze different books. I have never been a classic lit fan as I have a hard time seeing the deeper meanings. My degree is in psychology, so the books that I analyze are just pure information that I underline and make notes pertaining to other works I should study. I know there already are videos out there about reading analysis, but personally I would like your take/methods.

  • @GeneralDante108


    Жыл бұрын

    i was struggling with the same problem as you... I would advice you to read multiple books (more than 3 at the time) simultaneously... I have done it and i am reading more than 3 books a week (all 200 pgs + ) ... also fix a time to read like from 11pm to 1 am I am gonna read 2 chapeters of book 1 , 1 chapter of book 2 , and 1 chapter of book e

  • @johnnyrockets10


    Жыл бұрын

    Start by picking 5-10 of the greats to read in one year. Take as long as you need on each of them (reread pages, consider reading only 10 pages per sitting etc). Read commentaries on these books at the same time and so consider how others have analysed the book as you read

  • @wj4ckhamradio341
    @wj4ckhamradio341 Жыл бұрын

    I whole heartedly agree! Reading should be more about pausing to reflect than grinding through pages.

  • @pavel0900
    @pavel0900 Жыл бұрын

    You’re an absolute machine! Good for you for reading so much. I read about 10 books a year right now and slowly getting better. But wow! Thank you for the suggestion to read well, not fast. Because of the nature of my job, I only get a chance to read on my breaks, so I tend to read several pages at a time and then meditate on what I’ve read before I continue. I find it helps me digest things better. Like in eating, I try not to bite more than I can chew. Otherwise it becomes a lot to swallow at once. Thanks again for your content!

  • @TkevTV
    @TkevTV Жыл бұрын

    Productivity and hustle culture is the worst. They only look on life as trying to improve every aspect, day by day. But they completely forget, the one big life lesson, that many people hardly realized throughout time. It's not about the goal, it's about the way. And although they tend to be on a good way through improvement, seeing only constant improvement is indeed toxic and full of bullshit. This tip is the best I ever heard. Since years, I read The Lord of the Rings and Song of Ice and Fire, as well as several other few books. I'm pretty slow in general, considering that I need so long to even finish one book. But when I read them, I tend to get sunk 8nto the story and love it. So that in itself is a nice experience for myself. I guess, when I take of the pressure by thinking I must read more, it gets even better.

  • @andye1031
    @andye1031 Жыл бұрын

    I rarely comment on YT but you have definitely touched a nerve with me (in a positive way). I can’t tell you what a breath of fresh air it is to hear your critique of modern culture with its emphasis on productivity and metrics. I work in education and I despise the approach that continues to be all the rage with standardized testing, for precisely the reasons you touched on. Metrics of learning stuff is not a method for creating well-rounded students who can apply a small measure of critical thinking to their lives. Thank you for this video. You just earned a new subscriber today. Keep up the good work. You’re on the right path.

  • @GarrukishVol
    @GarrukishVol6 күн бұрын

    bro i appreciate this. I have been disappointment lately because i havent finished as many books as I wanted. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and really enjoy the journey and adventures. Imma have fun reading the lust for life and frankenstien!

  • @neo-litico
    @neo-litico9 ай бұрын

    "you want to actually turn these books into old friends that you revisit, that you miss when yo haven't read in a while" oh absolutely

  • @SweetScarred10
    @SweetScarred10 Жыл бұрын

    When I went to school, I had a teacher who taught us Spanish language (I am a Spanish speaker) and she would give us speed tests during a reading. She would put us on the desk in front of the whole class and literally make us read in front of everyone while she timed us. This caused me to have major reading comprehension problems for years and caused me to have trouble studying in general and concentrating on a reading. So encouraging speed in reading, I agree with you that in the end you are neglecting the main purpose of reading, which is comprehension. I feel that this type of tendencies are the ones that cause less critical thinking and less reasoning capacity. In my country, it has been shown that this type of reading habits have ended up causing big problems in the educational system, so, for some it may seem a trifle, but really, reading slowly and worrying about what you are reading, is more important than it seems!

  • @iamwhatiam5091
    @iamwhatiam5091 Жыл бұрын

    My goal is to read more curriculum / academic (Mathematics, Physics) books, my interest in increasing my reading of other books : fiction and non-fiction has dipped over time. I’d be happy if I read an average of 6 to 12 non-academic books in a year. I too like to take physical notes from all nonfiction books to retain their important information. Nowadays reading fiction (Including comic books, graphic novels, etc) books is more of a guilty pleasure activity for me.

  • @DYLAN2921
    @DYLAN2921 Жыл бұрын

    Hey Jared, I really appreciate the grounding message you share of; don't focus on the numbers, but the quality of the experience you have + bringing awareness to the issue of toxic productivity - it crystalised some concepts in my mind. Thanks!

  • @ricrdoalbrto
    @ricrdoalbrto Жыл бұрын

    Agreed. I caught myself too in the eye of this toxic productivity hurricane last year but I think in 2022 I’ve been so much more mindful of what reading really means to me. ❤

  • @sabrinae.6361
    @sabrinae.6361 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much for this video. I’m so glad people also like to truly absorb the content and depth of a book, rather than it being a mere speed-reading contest.

  • @Robinson8491
    @Robinson8491 Жыл бұрын

    I really liked your soul food analogy, and the friendships with good books

  • @wonderwoman5528
    @wonderwoman5528 Жыл бұрын

    Your passion for reading is really palpable in this video. You reminds me of all the reasons why I love literature.

  • @austinrucker3853
    @austinrucker3853 Жыл бұрын

    So happy to have come across this Channel. I struggle to sit down and read any book; I always feel so scatter brained or full of distractions. Thank you for your insights.

  • @samreyes2761
    @samreyes276110 ай бұрын

    Thank you. I've had this video on my to watch list since the start of your channel, and I'm glad I finally watched it. I cried when you said books turn into old friends, because that used to be what reading was to me years ago. I'm a different person and reading hasn't felt the same in a long time. Thank you for reminding me about what I'm depriving myself of. Now I can hopefully work toward getting there again.

  • @anandkshirsagar4577
    @anandkshirsagar4577 Жыл бұрын

    This is one of the best you tube channel I have encountered. Thank you so much and keep up the great work.

  • @obedisaicarrascomiranda2624
    @obedisaicarrascomiranda2624 Жыл бұрын

    I truly enjoyed watching this video. It was a great and thoughtful reflection about reading better. Way to go!

  • @CaliBELNYeu
    @CaliBELNYeu Жыл бұрын

    on my lunch break for work and found this video - it was very refreshing, and it's clear you have a passion for reading, knowledge, and being curious - thank you for the video!

  • @RichardCharter
    @RichardCharter4 ай бұрын

    You speak about an impressive skillset with spectacular humility and inspiration. Coming back to this a year since my first viewing has made me reflect on just how much this has motivated my own reading practice.

  • @vsr1542
    @vsr1542 Жыл бұрын

    Great books as friends. Love this. Also spot on the productivity and efficiency culture is killing us on the inside. Well done.

  • @mollym8402
    @mollym8402 Жыл бұрын

    In my case, reading "more" vs "better" would be the same. I don't spend a lot of time reading, and when I do I don't engage with the book fully because I'm not actually devoting my time to it. Reading better for me would look like devoting more time to reading which would in turn (probably) lead to more books being read. Great video, really helped me visualize my goals for reading and what I want to get out of it

  • @luisfilipecaldeira
    @luisfilipecaldeira Жыл бұрын

    This is a message I hope goes viral on booktube. As someone who discovered this fantastic side of KZread, wich rekindled my passion for reading, it gets to a point of being overwhelming. There are so many book series, and, for a regular folk like me, very limited time and energy to read them. The TBR keeps growing, and paralysis by analises definitely occurs, we all love books, but youtube is certainly one hell of a downward unstoppable spiral capable of making people simply quit. So thank you for the extremely important message is all I'm saying.

  • @wes_tank
    @wes_tank Жыл бұрын

    Amen brother. Slow but consistent reading hits different.

  • @TickleMeElmo55
    @TickleMeElmo55 Жыл бұрын

    I'm glad I found your vid. I was inspired by several YT channels due to their "reading 1 book per week" challenge or "how reading 1 book per week changed my life" testimonies, but knowing myself, as how I travel, I like to take my time and read slow given the documents and literature I consume don't have deadlines for either work or school. Though not efficient, I enjoy taking notes - a sort of lit journalism what have you - depending on the book. An example would be taking notes on the geography, topography, clothing and food depicted in a story if I find it interesting enough to do such a thing. One book I'm currently reading is set in the South where food is constantly in the background, so naturally I decided to take notes about what the characters have eaten while doing my own personal deep dive into Southern cuisine. It just adds another dimension to my reading experience. Attempting to make collared greens and grits by someone whose diet usually doesn't consist of such food items is fun in my eyes. What may take others three days or a week to finish, it'll probably take me two weeks or more if it's not a borrowed library book. Again, I take my time, undertaking side projects relating to what's given to me as a reader. I've adjusted my expectations for myself in that reading two books a month is doable - and enjoyable, if not somewhat educational.

  • @baxtermaxtor
    @baxtermaxtor Жыл бұрын

    7:16 I recall the quote, "Sometimes it's brilliant to do nothing."

  • @melissawilliams6026
    @melissawilliams6026 Жыл бұрын

    I have been keeping a journal like this, with the addition of genre, since the early 90s. It's fascinating to go back and see what your interest are and by where you were at emotionally by topics read. Librarything is a good site if you want to keep an electronic diary. I'm happy to see other people are doing this.

  • @andreduarte7206
    @andreduarte7206 Жыл бұрын

    I could agree more with you! The productivity culture is quite empty in the end. I really don’t understand what’s behind that drive to do more just for the sake of doing more (and not better). the same thing goes for the note taking insanity that’s around. I’m glad to have found you’re channel!

  • @trevorreads
    @trevorreads Жыл бұрын

    This is such a good word for today man. Thankful for you and your voice on KZread!

  • @battybibliophile-Clare
    @battybibliophile-Clare Жыл бұрын

    I have kept a book journal since I was 11. It is like yours but I list day begun and finished and number of pages. I am retired now, so read 100 + books. I keep a commonplace book too. I annotate a lot of my books or make notes in a notebook. I am more interested in deep,slow reading than quantity.Writing helps me remember as I'm 76. I love your channel. I read Plato's Dialogues last year, slowly. This year I'm reading Nicomachean Ethics, even slower, I stop and think about each section. What is the hurry, I want to make some of it part of me. I think speed reading is the work of the devil. I sometimes read a lighter book late at night. Wodehouse or a mystery, but that is when I'm too tired for the books from the Canon.😮

  • @dw908
    @dw908 Жыл бұрын

    Some great ideas in this video. I often view my KZread history and I'm fascinated on how my interests have changed over time. Bringing more awareness to what I've been reading definitely makes me more critical and intentional.

  • @dianele608
    @dianele608 Жыл бұрын

    Just a high school graduate who took Clerical. You have some excellent advice. Choosing what to read is the key. Quality not quantity. I don't socialize much but finding interesting topics to discuss for common ground is a good start.

  • @johnburrow4124
    @johnburrow4124 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for posting this. This is my first view of your channel and videos. As a fellow academic, it was so refreshing to see readership advice and thoughts from someone who isn’t part of the “hustle” culture or someone who just reiterates other content creators. It reminded me a lot of Harold Blooms arguments.

  • @gerk7238


    Жыл бұрын

    Dear John, I read 1200 books this year which makes me the alpha and the best by far or whatever. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew this. Thoughts? Good day

  • @dannydiddle
    @dannydiddle Жыл бұрын

    I really enjoy these videos. There are so many great tips which are helping improve my reading habits. The idea of reading slowly and taking care over what is read is a very powerful technique.

  • @user-nb7gp4fk7j
    @user-nb7gp4fk7j Жыл бұрын

    This chanel truly deserves more subs! I'm so glad such voices sill sound in our wretched aeon!

  • @josteiniversen4487
    @josteiniversen448710 ай бұрын

    I really appreciate your arguments on the importance of reading better. Thanks for shining a light in the gloominess of youtubes literature content.

  • @SStroud2024
    @SStroud2024 Жыл бұрын

    I've just started Swann's Way by Proust. There was NO WAY I could or should read Proust fast. There is too much beauty in Proust. In fact after the first four paragraphs I wanted to read the first 3 pages again and again. It reminded me of listening to music. You don't want to read classics fast.

  • @apolic27
    @apolic27 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on reading, centering on quality and depth to counter the toxic mentality of efficienty, speed, and the common illusion that attitude can be combined with an internalization of the content. I enjoy your journal on book that you have read, thank you for this idea. For my practice I find it helpful and meaningful to consider my reading as a conversation with the author, or to imagine the writter working on his manuscript over years, allowing for a deep appreciation of reading the final version. This allows to connect again, and come back in conversation with an old friend, such as with Seneca through his letters. Keep it up.

  • @NATForIslandLiving
    @NATForIslandLiving Жыл бұрын

    This is enlightening. I’m actually thinking of spending time to really dig into a devotional so that I can get the most out of it. I have chosen a short book called “Woman Wise Up Rise Up”. I hope to read this book so that by the time I come to the end of it I will indeed wise up.

  • @Ashleyforreal
    @Ashleyforreal Жыл бұрын

    I relate to this hard, been down that road so many times. It was refreshing to hear this perspective

  • @azizrepkash
    @azizrepkash Жыл бұрын

    Brother, I really liked this self-reflection about reading books because you went through some common pressure about focusing on quantity rather than quality. It may stem from social media as you mentioned as there are infinite number of videos about how do people read more , tips ,tricks to read more and other stuff. The main idea was to savor the books and read in a natural pace, so we won't burn ourselves out and enjoy more. For me two takeaways are not to binge read books and be more mindful in general. Much love man!

  • @gerk7238


    Жыл бұрын

    Is that a khabib “brother”? Brother

  • @fugeenurse
    @fugeenurse Жыл бұрын

    Really thoughtful advice. Helped me shape my perspective as I put together my reading list for next year. Thank you 🙏🏾

  • @nezukochan86
    @nezukochan86 Жыл бұрын

    I'm glad I found this video. I needed this. We all need someone to tell us to relax and focus on one thing. I was so overwhelmed in trying to hit my Goodreads goal (last year) that I just rushed through every book I read. I look back now and literally don't remember anything in specific. This year, mostly the same case with 40ish books I've read (unless a book is exceptional, I don't remember it). Next year, I'll take your advice. I will focus on just reading one at a time and savouring the thoughts and art within it.

  • @gerk7238


    Жыл бұрын

    I read 1200 books this year because simply..I’m the best and just an alpha man. I hope you understand. Good day.

  • @stephengibbs9310
    @stephengibbs9310 Жыл бұрын

    Great video and something we all need to hear from time to time. Not only applicable to reading, but also to life in general. I’ve been on a Nietzsche kick as of late and I’ve found it far more enjoyable to really savor each line.

  • @patoliterato
    @patoliterato Жыл бұрын

    I've just discovered your channel and I love it. I absolutely agree with your words in this video. It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Books deserve their own pace, and it's not the same reading Platho than reading comedy theater.

  • @myrawells5691
    @myrawells56918 ай бұрын

    What enjoyable commentary thank you! Your insights are generous and useful, and I appreciate the opportunity found here. Watched ‘5 books’ and will start with just one 🎉🎉am subscribing

  • @Dekuwi92
    @Dekuwi92 Жыл бұрын

    Omg I just discovered your channel and I can’t agree more with what you’re saying. I personally have no time to read during the week and sometimes I find myself with the urge to read more but at the same time I feel like I’m not retaining all the information of the book and that’s sad.

  • @shmidles7450
    @shmidles74507 ай бұрын

    I'm really glad I watched your video, very relatable and though I'm new to reading properly for the first time in my life I have had that mentality or more more more and its completely the wrong attitude ! Thanks I needed this 😊👌🏻

  • @jacderida
    @jacderida Жыл бұрын

    I really appreciate the sentiment of this video. This year I changed my reading style to supplement it with note taking, to summarise and make sure I really understand what I consider to be the salient aspects of the text. If I'm reading history, I also do timelines with significant events. The reMarkable 2 has been a fantastic tool for this. After I finish the book, I write a review based on the notes and the timeline. This style is probably going to cut the amount of books I get through a year by about half, but I'm fine with that; I would rather come away with more comprehensive understanding and knowledge retention.

  • @dorenkanso2548
    @dorenkanso2548 Жыл бұрын

    I needed this. I love reading for the mental stimulation it does for me. I love finding out that the idea I am reading I have already reached a couple of days or months ago, I love understanding new concepts that I haven't thought of before or even knew there. I fell in the trap of reading a lot over the quality reading but slowly zoned out of it when I realized that reading alot is good for information, will quality reading is best for mental stimulation. Thanks alot❤🙌

  • @babymariobrother3793
    @babymariobrother3793 Жыл бұрын

    This helped me identify many habits of mine that I had previously been unable to name. Thank you for this.

  • @JLchevz
    @JLchevz Жыл бұрын

    I've found myself falling intro the trap of wanting to read everything, and it sort of makes me sad that I know I won't be able to read whatever sparks my interest but the truth is that a lot of fantasy, Sci-Fi, horror and whatever is pretty forgettable (not that it's bad, but it's not worth reading over the classics or some more important non fiction books), so I guess yeah the only option is to actually carefully select what we read and read it like it's meant to (this goes for the people who are interested in the Classics and learning more not just for entertainment). Sorry for the spam lately I just discovered your channel lol.

  • @andrew_blank


    Жыл бұрын

    Wanting to read everything… that’s me. Can’t commit to anything because my interests are always being pulled in various different directions. Too much KZread probably

  • @JLchevz


    Жыл бұрын

    @@andrew_blank yeah too many good suggestions and falling into the trap of "reading more is better" when in truth it doesn't have to be. Maybe reading a good book is better than reading 5 average ones, or some that simply don't click with us.

  • @noelelikemnicodemus8039
    @noelelikemnicodemus8039 Жыл бұрын

    I've been listening to The Myth of Sisyphus everyday for 9 months

  • @SunshinePollyAnna
    @SunshinePollyAnna Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for bringing this type of content to us readers. I am looking forward to what you put together.

  • @nguyentrieuphuc4007
    @nguyentrieuphuc4007 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much! I will share this video❤


    I spent a whole year on and off on lotr but i understood the book more by taking small week long breaks and reading lighter things in between

  • @Arsenal.N.I7242
    @Arsenal.N.I7242 Жыл бұрын

    Yea you are spot on. Only found your channel and I'm going to watch all your back catalogue of videos. You have the same mindset and book interests as myself. There is a lot of people out there reading garbage. And channel's like yours are goldmines. The great Western cannon are some of the greatest minds that have ever lived. And it's sad to say I stand in my local book shop and shake my head at what's on the shelf. I asked if they had Cormac McCarthy The Passenger, new book just out and the girl never heard of him lol didn't have book either. I'd be lost without Amazon.

  • @seoullista
    @seoullista8 ай бұрын

    Simple yet timeless piece of advice, thank you for sharing!

  • @Rec426
    @Rec426 Жыл бұрын

    Instantly subbed. I’ve started watching this content more about reading more intentionally. I’ve never been a fast reader. My average being about 15-20 books a year if I’m lucky. I’m only on my 3rd novel this year (and some manga volumes thrown in) and sometimes I feel bad for this. I used to be a book tube channel and I decided to give that up a while ago because of the pressure I felt within the community to read more. I only follow channels that are fairly chill or who are slow readers like myself now. Funnily enough tho when you were mentioning videos about ‘how to read 100 books in a year’ type of thing there is literally one of those videos being recommended to me after this video that I apparently watched a few months ago 😅. I loved your end comment though and I would love to revisit some books soon as well as broaden my tastes even more :)

  • @kalese2959
    @kalese2959 Жыл бұрын

    In general thank u 4 making this channel its helps for education I know there's so many philosophical content but still more people presenting the same material helps me grasp much better every one has his way of educating so thank u

  • @taylorbush8713
    @taylorbush8713 Жыл бұрын

    This video was amazing! We need more content like this to counteract all the toxic "how to read more" bullshit out there. I've really struggled with this. To anyone out there who maybe thought TCM's numbers were even too high, here are my numbers for the past two years (been dealing with a lot of mental health issues, which takes away from reading): This year so far: 4 Last year: 11 2020: 3 2019: 6 2018: 26 (record) I consider myself a big reader, even with these numbers. Maybe your numbers are even smaller than this. It's okay.

  • @Pal-us9uv


    4 ай бұрын

    Tai Lopez would disagree.

  • @nickgoins
    @nickgoins28 күн бұрын

    I love this advice! I needed to hear this

  • @duffymachine
    @duffymachine Жыл бұрын

    I really enjoyed this. I thought it was well thought out and had a great message. It reminds me that I need to slow down. I like your comment on Toxic Productivity Culture. Well done

  • @KFP4488
    @KFP4488 Жыл бұрын

    Today I spent a day to read two article journals, yet I find it gratifying to understand the articles fully. Might need to escalate to books rather than articles only. Thanks for the video - I feel not lonely.

  • @martinahoubova3381
    @martinahoubova3381 Жыл бұрын

    Very insightfull video. Thank you!

  • @geric9878
    @geric98783 ай бұрын

    Thank you. I really like to read but I have a hard time to finish a book...I place the book on hold. I think its because the story is so good, I dont want the story to end. I need to change my book reading attitude to just finish reading the book. After watching your video, I will train myself to focus and read better, finish the story, and start a simple reading log. Thank you again.

  • @danielerisi1527
    @danielerisi1527 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for this video, finally a channel out of the productivity mindset of our modern society!

  • @Draxtor
    @Draxtor Жыл бұрын

    Dude this is just perfect as I am developing my New Years Resolutions!!! I have to slow down!!!

  • @inallthechaos2774
    @inallthechaos2774 Жыл бұрын

    This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Productivity culture is so loud.

  • @carm2453
    @carm2453 Жыл бұрын

    I just found your channel, I got stuck to your content immediately. Surprisingly, you have 10 videos so far. I can't wait until the next one will be released. You are interesting.

  • @andrewg.2996
    @andrewg.2996 Жыл бұрын

    I've had a similar revelation when it comes to music, I don't really try and listen more just encounter whatever I find holistically, most of the time it kinda makes me a little esoteric with my music tastes, but everything I listen to and in recent memory with reading, I just found what I'm interested in and just try and take as much in and usually what I end up listening and reading ends up meaning a lot to me. In the case of reading it also helps that I can't read in my head, I have to give life to the text by annunciating them, which usually leads to a slower reading experience especially for some words I'm trying to figure how they are pronounced or if I'm trying to find voices for the characters, but I think I take in things more that way even versus audiobooks cause I'm more actively engaged

  • @NameRequiredSoHere
    @NameRequiredSoHere Жыл бұрын

    I loved the phrase you used, "toxic productivity".

  • @joecasci8451
    @joecasci8451 Жыл бұрын

    This is a beautiful channel. I really appreciate what you’re doing ❤

  • @phillipphage1594
    @phillipphage1594 Жыл бұрын

    Your T.R.A.S.H (Terrifyingly Rational and Superbly Honorable) in your perspective and breaking down how to really appreciate the art of reading. You actually evoked the need for me to read some books requiring a lot of time and patience being works from Maimonades and a few more classic works. Thank you for reminding all of us who aspire and are inspired to retain, accumulate and digest knowledge on focusing on "quality" and not "quantity."

  • @cesiapm17
    @cesiapm17 Жыл бұрын

    This was incredibly refreshing. Thank you!

  • @AbdallahBotan
    @AbdallahBotan Жыл бұрын

    Thanks legend. I had this question and you answered it perfectly.

  • @dominick8847
    @dominick8847 Жыл бұрын

    I keep a spreadsheet, to write down the sayings and ideas of others, plus my own. That makes it easy to go back to and write about an issue later, and to make sure you don't lose a good thought.

  • @victoregalue
    @victoregalue Жыл бұрын

    Nice video, I found that concept of reading better long ago and changed my anual goal to only 10 books every year, if I read more is awesome, but not for the sake of hitting a number but because I'm enjoying it and have the time. it's a better experience overall. there's a lot of people just going for short books to make the goals, but come on, a thick book can be amazing too so that's not reading-healthy. And I think it's better to use Goodreads to keep track of what you read, you can access it online, and have the books organized in shelves.

  • @misanthropistbookworm
    @misanthropistbookworm Жыл бұрын

    I stumbled across this video by chance, but you've gotten a new subscriber. This is exactly the kind of thought that's missing in a platform that encourages reading goals as read X amount in a year (and read whatever you can at the end to count as "read" so you reach that goal), read X amount of book in a day (reading "marathons"), listen to audiobooks while doing other things and at 3xspeed so you use your time better, etc... And produces channel after channel of people making hauls and piles and shelf tours so we all can see pretty hardcover editions that may not even be read, making reviews without even knowing the details of the book they "read", among other abhorrances. I'm sick of that, and I'm so glad I found you! Is the podcast in Spotify? I'll look it up! Anyways, nice to meet you, and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. :)

  • @mohanakrishnan6579
    @mohanakrishnan6579 Жыл бұрын

    amazing brother nice .you breakdown everything clear thank you.

  • @ebradley2306
    @ebradley2306 Жыл бұрын

    Haven’t read many books lately. Used to read voraciously. I use a week-at-a-glance engagement calendar to log my knitting. I am going to do the same with reading books. Will have a visual record to see if I am reading and what I am reading. Can flip back a week or two to see what’s logged. Will keep a list at the back with the start and end dates. 😊

  • @mohitandcinema
    @mohitandcinema Жыл бұрын

    Loved your video, you talked in this video like a well read person. You got a new subscriber today 👏

  • @lisandroge
    @lisandroge Жыл бұрын

    Thank you for your insight. It really helped me to clear up my thinking.

  • @goblinparanormal6338
    @goblinparanormal6338 Жыл бұрын

    Well said! Thank you for your insight

  • @momoli1228
    @momoli1228 Жыл бұрын

    Thanks for this warm reminder! I’m into Ancient Egyptian religion recently and bought lots of related books. I think I want to have a full understanding ASAP so I read fast. But it doesn’t mean I digest them well😂

  • @gerk7238


    Жыл бұрын

    Me too. We should read a book at the same time together..ya know like read the same exact book at the same exact time, you in??

  • @MarcoLopez-wx2jr
    @MarcoLopez-wx2jr Жыл бұрын

    Good point on viewing books as friends. I can relate. Sometimes, I'm start missing some good ol "Shakespeare" or " Nietzsche", "Marcus Aurelius" and yes even "R.L Stine" Never looked at it from this perspective, but it makes perfect sense. I can appreciate these authors, playwrights, philosophers more. Thanks.

  • @binder946
    @binder946 Жыл бұрын

    Sometimes its just about reading more not reading to learn, I agree with you. Sometime I can't even remember the name of the book after a few years.

  • @ayo5828
    @ayo5828 Жыл бұрын

    I just found your channel. Your content deeply resonates with me. Keep it up

  • @todesque
    @todesque Жыл бұрын

    This is an excellent video in the main. Some points I'd like to add however (as a 51-year old man): Until age 40 or so, I think your goal should be to read as widely as possible in the canon. Throw yourself around like the intellectual hussy you are. Round about age 40, you'll start to settle down, and that's when your re-reading phase will begin. You'll have figured out which books are calling to you, and you'll answer that call multiple times for the rest of your life. Having recently passed 50, I have very little interest in reading anything new these days. 90%-95% of my reading is re-reading, and I absolutely love re-uniting with my ''friends,'' as you put it in the video. So, yes, I agree with The Classical Mind. Focus on reading better ... when you're ready to go deeper. Whenever that time is right for you. You'll know.

  • @julienelson8162
    @julienelson8162 Жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much!

  • @theliterarylayer
    @theliterarylayer Жыл бұрын

    I’ve noticed that a lot of booktubers buy the physical book and listen to the audiobook at the fastest speed. I can understand because they’re making money from the videos but this method isn’t enjoyable for the majority of people. Reading slowly has made me love books even more. It’s even helped with studying for cert exams. Do you also use apps such as Goodreads and StoryGraph to track reading? Or do you only write the titles in your journal

  • @alexfrederick3404


    Жыл бұрын

    @@_jared I don't understand how anyone can listen to audiobooks at the fastest speed. At 2x speed, it's absolutely ludicrous.

  • @lonnie.stephens
    @lonnie.stephens2 ай бұрын

    Great advise !!

  • @shadethere
    @shadethere Жыл бұрын

    I consider myself lucky when I read 10 books a year. But honestly I am a better reader. Thank you for sharing your reading habits. This motivates us.

  • @HaischkaEST
    @HaischkaEST Жыл бұрын

    Hey friend. I love your channel. I've been trying to find different books this year and you summed it up perfectly with the words "soul food" and the analogy to healthy food. Reading these books has been transformative for me. Even more transformative has been combining the audiobook with these books (studies on k-12 students showed 40% more retention). I'm unsure how to google search for these types of books (Dostoevsky, Proust, rewarding books) so let me know if you have any suggestions for search terms. Anyway, we need more content in the style of your channel and I greatly appreciate it. As I age well into my thirties, I find a desire to bring patience, true enjoyment and depth back to reading and life.

  • @BayleyPantlin96
    @BayleyPantlin96 Жыл бұрын

    Great video, great advice! Subscribed.