Doing More With Less | Ohad Naharin | Collective Trauma Summit

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Ohad Naharin is a choreographer and the creator of the Gaga movement language. Born in 1952 in Mizra, Israel, he began his dance career with Batsheva in 1974 and made his choreographic debut in New York in 1980. In 1990, Naharin was appointed Artistic Director of Batsheva Dance Company and established its junior division, Batsheva - the Young Ensemble. In addition to his stage-work, Naharin developed Gaga, the innovative movement research and daily training of Batsheva’s dancers that has spread globally among both dancers and non-dancers.
His talk, "Transformation Through Movement" is part of the Collective Trauma Summit.
The mission of the Collective Trauma Summit is to advance understanding, inspire dialogue, and explore the potential for healing personal, intergenerational, and collective trauma.
The Collective Trauma Summit is convened annually by Thomas Hübl and includes expert presentations, talks, poetry readings, movement sessions, guided meditations, and panel discussions from 60+ prominent thought leaders covering a diverse range of disciplines.
Learn more about the Summit at
Thomas Hübl is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator whose work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science.
Learn more about Thomas at:
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