Does your life depend on how you feel?

Does your life depend on how you feel?
What’s the feeling that you’re waiting for to prioritise you?
Your life depends on the decisions you make - your feelings fluctuate - if you’re waiting for a feeling, you’ll be waiting forever
If you don’t prioritise your life, no one else will
During these days of Dhul Hijjah, you have the opportunity to earn an abundance of rewards!
When you intentionally take action that is pleasing to Allah swt, you can turn anything into an act of ibadah
What better action to take than optimizing yourself, nurturing, nourishing, and strengthening your connection with Him?
If you’d like to know how I help my clients do this so they can get the results in their lives that they want, let’s talk
Book in a confidential, non-judgmental consultation with me and let’s help you create the life you want to live, a life you love
Sign up here for my next available sales consultation to find out how my coaching programs can help you do that and more
Farah Halabi
Professional Muslimah Life Coach
Certified in the science of the nafs psychology
Helping you create the life you want to live a life you love
