Docker For Java Developer : Running MySQL Server as Docker container in local

Docker For Java Developer : Running MySQL server as Docker container in local
he MySQL Docker images support optional environment variables that let you manage the first-run database setup. Set these variables to automatically provision a new empty database and user account:
MYSQL_DATABASE - The name of a database schema to create when the server initializes for the first time.
MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD - Create a new initial user account, separately to the root user. If you also set the MYSQL_DATABASE variable, your new user account will automatically be granted all privileges on the newly created database.
MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD - Set this variable to have MySQL automatically generate a new password for the root user. This replaces the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD variable. The generated password will be emitted to the standard output stream on first run. Because of this, you should take care when using this variable in CI environments - the password may be visible to anyone who has access to the job logs!
First-Run Seed Files
You’ll often have tables and data you want to seed into the database as soon as it’s created. The MySQL images are configured to look for
Any files found will be executed sequentially. The ordering will always be alphabetical. You can apply filename prefixes (e.g. 1-seed_tables.sql / 2-seed_data.sql) to make sure operations complete in the intended order.
This mechanism lets you easily seed your new database instance with initial data. You can write your own Docker file, using MySQL as the base image, and add your seed files into /docker-entry Alternatively, bind mount a directory on your host into the container directory.
MySQL will ignore initialization files unless there is no database in the data directory. Wiping the contents of your data directory will trigger a fresh initialization when you restart the container.
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