Divine Presence of Hazrat Masuma Salamullah Aleyha


The pious Lady Hazrat Fatima Masooma of Qum (a) belonged to the divine family of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S). The Blessed and most Gracious Noble Lady from the Ahlul Bayt (a) was born in Medina on 1st of Zeelqad 173 A.H.
Her parents were Baabul Hawaij Imam Musa al-Kazim (a) and Lady Al Khayzran Najma Khatoon. [1] Imam Al-Ridha (a) was her elder brother and Imam Muhammad al-Al-Taqi (a) was her nephew.
Lady Masooma was an exceptional child who exhibited her knowledge even as a little girl. A famous incident occurred when she was barely six years old. A few Shia pilgrims from Najaf, Iraq, stopped at Imam Musa al-Kazim’s (a) house in Madina to get advice regarding some theological, historical and legal questions on their way to perform Ziyarat of Prophet Muhammad (S).
However, they were unable to meet the Imam because he was out of town and expected to return a few days later. When asked why they needed to see the Imam, they said they had a few questions to which they were seeking answers and they wrote their questions and handed over to his family saying they would pick the answers on their way back from Ziyarat.

