Disco Duck Männerballett - San Diego KG Elferrat - San Diego KG - "Disco Karneval" - 1/27/2024


Join us at the German American Societies in El Cajon for the most authentic German Karneval in Southern California. Our delicious German food, German beers on tap, Schunkel Walzer, and Prosts in our Ballroom, will have you Partying like a German!
What is it all about? Karneval - is also known as Fasching, also nicknamed fünfte Jahreszeit(the fifith season) or närrische Saison (the foolish season) in Germany. Many of you know it as Carnivale, or Mardi Gras. They are all the same: pre-Lenten festivities celebrated in grand German style since medieval times.
When does Karneval start?
The “Fünfte Jahreszeit” starts on the 11th of November at 11.11 a.m. and lasts until Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday). Of course, the public events are concentrated in the week before Ash Wednesday. However, the Karnevalsvereine (Karneval clubs) revel with sessions and parties (drinking, singing, and stand-up comedy) after the official November kick-off all the way through to Lent, taking only a short break for the Christmas holidays.
Karneval is a time to have “Spaß an d’r Freud” (Enjoy Pleasure). Come with a group of friends, add a fun or sexy costume, leave your worries at the door, and enjoy great German dance music, beer, and some old traditions.
Are you asking, should we wear costumes? Costumes are always encouraged!
If you are wondering what to wear, take your cue from the event theme. Have fun and wear a Mardi Gras mask, a colorful hat, or even a colorful clown costume, but leave the scary Halloween-themed costumes at home. During Karneval, the normal formalities are cast aside. Be prepared to abandon your inhibitions! This is always much easier when wearing a mask!
San Diego Karnevalgesellschaft
San Diego Karnevalgesellschaft Facebook Group Page:
/ about
German American Societies of San Diego
Karneval for Dummies:

