Deosai - Falling In Love With The Wilderness

The last time I visited Skardu, I missed out on Deosai due to the roads being closed at the time. Enveloped by the urge to finish the checklist from last year, and to escape from the recent stress of the Profs and what not, I made my way to Deosai.
At an average elevation of 4000m, Deosai is the world's second highest plateau. A fact that contributed to my severe breathlessness upon the mere act of setting up my tripod at Sheosar Lake, my little blue inhaler useless in its feeble attempts to help me. Nevertheless, several Milos and expired KitKats later, I jolted my way back through the rocky jeep track. My SD card was full of blind timelapses, and my mind in a daze of hypoxia and disbelief at the sheer vastness of this place.
As Amber Run played on repeat, mildly drowning the grumbling of the invading clouds, I promised myself that I would return here. One day, InshAllah.
Watch in HD.
Music: Amber Run - Little Ghost
