Delusion Girl english ver. 【Oktavia】【英語で歌ってみた】


!! i feel like this is the first time i’ve covered a song with a potentially upsetting pv that hasn’t already contained a warning at the beginning video, so here’s your warning. this (beautifully animated god bless sidu) pv contains violence which relates to suicide in particular. i recommend you don’t watch should this make you uncomfortable. i know it isn’t a huge deal but i would hate to surprise someone. !!
also if you’re interested, i’ve now enabled community contributions for closed captioning on my videos!! you can contribute here: kzread.info_cs_p...
Please feel free to use as always! They are based on the translation by Damesukekun.
If you want to tell me a song to sing:
HELLO my friends I have returned, I am not dead, just drowning in school work, trying to last until Friday so I can successfully turn 19.
Anyway this is a bit of mood whiplash now isn’t it? Definitely not the positive mood from the last cover hahaha…
But I’ve really wanted to do this ever since the song was released in September. I mean any Sidu PV is guaranteed to steal my heart but also as I spent more and more time listening to the song and comprehending what it was about I fell in love with it. Also this is Touyu's first orignal, and I'm very impressed with it! It's nice to hear his music.
I mean, my first time through listening, I didn’t notice all the imagery which flashes by when he talks about his friend, the cat, his family and his girlfriend… Poor guy. I want to give him a hug but I guess it’s too late for that now.
Also Sidu, being Sidu, of course made the perfect PV to go along with the song (and me, being me, struggling to sub the video without spending money bc I ain’t spending $99 for a motion tracker lol). I particularly love the way he moves at “the echoes come and go…”, as if he’s struggling to keep moving forward. It’s SO GOOD
Side note but RIP my subtitling skills. If Datsugoku didn’t already kill them then this PV did, but at least I have a new version of Final Cut Pro which now allows me to actually edit things very quickly instead of animating blindly, rendering (which would take like 5 minutes) and then seeing how shitty it turned out and going with it because it’s too much of a hassle to blindly animate and wait again.
Final note, it’s Oktober (spelling intended)! I’ll be turning 19 this Friday. This cover doesn’t count but I want to release two songs which can be considered ‘spookier’ this month (hopefully, one is set in stone, the other is very iffy. But if I can’t release it on the 31st I’ll try for early November, you’re just gonna have to deal with spooky November I guess). This Friday expect a murderous teacher’s pet to come your way… We’ll save Halloween for something a bit more demonic.
♫ Credits ♫
Vocals/Mix: Oktavia
Music/Lyrics: Touyu (
Video: Sidu ( / dsd_kgn )
Mastering: Kon (
Arrange: Narita Shun
Bass: Shirakami Mashiro ( / tst_mashiro0 )

Пікірлер: 229

  • @OktaviavonSeckendorff8
    @OktaviavonSeckendorff86 жыл бұрын

    Looks like due to the copyright of the song it may not be able to be played on certain devices, but I'll see what I can do to fix that! ;;

  • @grafeugenius


    6 жыл бұрын

    Oktavia von Seckendorff I was gonna ask why is the video not available. Copyright huh...

  • @YamiBasara


    6 жыл бұрын

    When I was ready to listen, the vídeo was not available. Stupid Copyright...

  • @aMiyafuji


    6 жыл бұрын

    Oktavia von Seckendorff hm. It worked just fine on my phone

  • @StargazingDreamer


    6 жыл бұрын

    Oh well. It's still a good song and KZread has been hard on everyone lately.

  • @dp2989


    6 жыл бұрын

    Woah it works on mobile now! (At least for me) Awesome cover! ^-^

  • @boeman6702
    @boeman67025 жыл бұрын

    This nearly happened to me on a rooftop. When I was doing something, I swore I saw a figure out of the corner of my eye. It looked like a kid. A small kid. Just then, the figure jumped off the building. I ran and nearly jumped off to throw the figure back on the roof. Instead, I looked down and I saw no one. My brain was probably smoking some weird shit.

  • @thevillainousqueenofhearts4976


    3 жыл бұрын

    Holy, moly! That’s spooky, thankfully nothings bad happened to you

  • @sharkmortal
    @sharkmortal6 жыл бұрын

    *People previously have established that this was his delusion - the girl made him feel like he was saving someone because he couldn't save anyone in his life and both the girl and the cat were representations of that, however I'm going to pick up a few points from this and I'll let anyone who wants to elaborate with their own theories whilst mine are written here (or questions I have).* - the first time he saves the girl in the first delusion, his smile is oddly creepy, as if he was going insane waiting for himself to be able to save someone - there are pills just before the second verse about the cat so he's obviously taking some medication, whether it be for sleep or depression. Whatever it is, it quite evidently isn't working - when they mention he stores his feelings further, it's possible it means that he's so numb to pain and sadness and it's so easy for him to just make it disappear to the eyes and senses of those around him - he mentions he's a hypocrite, but of what? what hypocrisy is he committing? - when it mentions his best friend, he's quite obviously being grabbed from behind and in pain, a person stood in front of him with a metal pole. Perhaps he was involved in a gang or a drug deal and it turned sour? - when girlfriend is mentioned, the letter x or a cross appears all over the screen, so I do believe his girlfriend died, whether it be suicide or otherwise - slow down the video and at 02:02 there is a frame of someone (presumably a female judging by the hair) hanging from what appears to be a rope and then, a second or so later, another frame of the man stood by feet dripping with what can only be assumed to be blood, so someone in his life did hang themselves, whether it be his girlfriend or someone in his family as he mentions failing them too - the line "the voices come and go but the voices never show any hope of being human" indicates that he likely has some monstrous voice inside of his head telling him things - judging by the fact that his eyes were "brought back to life" when danger appeared, all he was looking for was something dangerous and risky towards his own life subconsciously, perhaps - he understands that time will not change for anyone or anything and that everything that happened to him and his loved ones was truly real - "I won't stand by as someone else dies" shows that he has had enough death and he will not let anyone else die, no matter who or how important to him they are - I noticed at the beginning, and presumably so did everyone else, but the handles on the train are actually nooses to indicate death and suicide (hanging) - the line "my job is done, paid laying finally free" shows that he is most likely now feeling free of his guilt of not doing anything, finally paying it off by saving someone - the last thing he sees are the girl's *vacant* eyes smiling at him. It indicated that she most likely was a delusion as vacant means 'not occupied; empty' or 'having or showing no intelligence or interest'. This girl had no feeling towards this man and had no interest in him either and being in front of that train meant she'd done it on purpose for some specific reason, perhaps - At the end his eyes widen in surprise, quite obviously noticing that the girl was all a delusion just before he got hit by the train - Right at the very end, a real girl sees all that has happened. One without the vacant and empty disinterested eyes and smile, and she is terrified.

  • @Kyle-us9qt


    6 жыл бұрын

    When he saved the girl in the first delusion, it said he was trapped back in reality, and when it did, he slumped forward as if he was going to run forward but snapped out of the delusion before he could. I don't think he's 'numb', but instead he's literally bottling up everything. In terms of the cat, I think that was a legitimately real cat that he was taking care of. I don't know about the pills but it was pretty obvious that he has some pent of feelings, and so I think that the cats death pushed him over the edge, reminding him of how he thinks he let down everyone. Though, I didn't really pay much attention to the video so it's nice to see some things pointed out. I think the nooses were more of a way to show it's a "dead end", instead of specifically suicide, as if he's reached the end of his rope. Also yeah, the girl was definitely delusion and when he widened his eyes it was because he noticed that. You can reference it by pausing shortly after and seeing she isn't in the scene anymore. I'm pretty sure the girl at the end that was shown was the real version of the girl in his delusion, so his mind basically created a copy. I think that the delusion in which he dies is a copy of the first half of the video, in which he slumps forward. The only different would be that he came out of his delusion at the wrong time and died as a result, probably from the cats death pushing him over the edge. (Basically, "trapped back in reality" and slumps forward as if about to run, second take, throws the delusion girl back then widens eyes to see that she was actually a delusion)

  • @ShadowwolfXFoxy


    5 жыл бұрын

    I have a couple other takes on a couple parts so Imma share them too :3 -I chalk up the general theme for this song to being the man is so depressed that he's given up hope on anything being different as hes constantly kicked while hes down (Girlfriend died, friend died, AND a cat he was caring for) -All of which he loved in life died, and he feels responsible. Judging by all the cut aways: (friend with the group of guys and weapons, the cat died while he wasnt there, and his gf seemed to hang herself probably due to depression - think about it, would you feel guilty deep down if you realized too late that a lover was upset and so depressed to the point they hang themselves? Im sure he blames himself for not being able to save her from that. All of these incidents happened while he was not there, out of his control essentially - but he never gets over them or forgives himself. He constantly envisions him in a scenario where he "wins" - he imagines he had saved someone, rather than lost them. Hes so stuck in the past of what he has lost that eventually it is all he sees in his mundane and routine unfeeling life. -The part about "pushing his feelings further" I feel as if he did not wish people to worry over him or to be a burden, heck maybe even hes worried about people judging him for not holding it together on the he bottles everything up. He calmly accepts it and LOOKS like he is okay but inside he is breaking with nobody to vent to. -In the end, he was so depressed and upset with turmoil that he subconsciously has been telling himself on repeat he wishes to give up and die - but continued living as he didnt have an excuse to do so in his opinion. He keeps thinking of the ones who died and knows also that it hurts him how he was unable to save or help them, making him still feel worse. Enter delusion girl. -Delusion girl seems to be a schoolgirl who rides the same train everyday or something....he probably subconsciously took note of her one day and didnt even realize it. His mind constantly flirts with the idea of his death, but he needs a reason still as hes CONSCIOUSLY not choosing to die and continues his daily routine. He is SUBCONSCIOUSLY, I feel, wanting his death as he is always in turmoil and pain. Constantly his brain is saying "Why would you want that? Think of the aftermath" where his subconscious is over-riding his mind by having him envision a girl in need of saving which is potentially his "trigger". He thought he was being selfless and saving another person, when really he is just restarting the cycle with this little girl now who watched him kill himself and couldnt do anything to stop him. (My paragraphs are really rough, I may need to edit and clear up some run on sentencing etc but Ill do it later xD )

  • @leelowden654


    5 жыл бұрын

    You guys have very accurate interpretations to what the official meaning is (of course that's not saying that there can't be other theories). The official meaning is - The song tells the tragic story of a man who, as an everyman in society, has been living a hopeless and hypocritical life "killing" his true self for the sake of livelihood. Chronically suffering from depression (he has been taking pills as shown in the MV) due to social pressures, the man develops a self-loathing mentality, and the cords in the train symbolize his self-destructive tendency. On his daily commute by subway in the morning as a salaryman, he sees a little girl falling out the warning line due to the rushing crowd. He jumps out the warning line, risking his life just to save the girl and thus a selfless "hero", as a way of self-vindication and for the recognition of society (imagined growing retweets and likes on Twitter is shown in this scene)--all but a wishful delusion to be dismissed during rush hour. One day, the man discovers that the cat whom he has been given milk to every day has been run over by a car, dead. Upon nearly crying, he realizes that he, a hypocrite caused by the harsh reality, who is unable to offer genuine emotions and support to others--his friend who was bullied, this cat, his family that he neglected, and his girlfriend who hanged herself--is no different from the lifeless corpse lying before him. Blaming everything from his surroundings on himself, his world falls further apart, and his mental state worsens to the extreme, as symbolized by the increased cracks in the visuals. Once again, on the subway platform, he sees the little girl tripping out the warning line. This time, he thinks, it's happening in reality and not a delusion. Finally, he is able to save someone. Jumping out the warning line, risking his life just to save the girl, he becomes the "hero" he aspires to be. While in the air, he sees the little girl, with vacant eyes, smiling, much to his joy. It is then that he realizes that all of it was once again a delusion and that in reality, he stepped out the platform to be hit by the oncoming train. And such a scene is to others nothing but an incident to be dismissed during rush hour. The event is reported lightly as an incident in the subway announcement in the end. The little girl whom the man made up was in fact based off of a girl he sees daily in the rushing crowd, who actually witnessed his act of suicide from the crowd and was traumatized by it.

  • @miatamiata7547


    5 жыл бұрын

    if you pause right at 3:03 (right after the guy's eyes go wide) the definition of delusion pops up on the screen for just a single frame. i think you're right, the girl is a hallucination.

  • @Mugsi


    4 жыл бұрын

    Many good points here. I want to say that, in addition to his odd smile at the end of the first delusion at 1:10, you can see the numbers for retweets and likes rising rapidly, further showing that in this particular delusion, he's far more concerned about how he can benefit from the whole situation at the expense of another. I think it might be this kind of hypocrisy he hates himself for. Uncertain

  • @tylermcmurray2232
    @tylermcmurray22324 жыл бұрын

    Most relatable song ever. Everyone's got these delusions of heroism waiting for any opportunity that never comes.

  • @therani9600


    8 ай бұрын

    Um, no. Not everyone fantasizes about saving someone at the expense of one's own life to have an excuse to kill themselves and be seen as a hero instead of a suicide victim. And even less people have those thoughts to an extent shown in this song. If you have thoughts like this you should go see a therapist.

  • @tylermcmurray2232


    8 ай бұрын

    @@therani9600 huh... i though everyone had those i probably should seek therapy but im poor and live in america so no

  • @diamondseraph9369


    8 ай бұрын

    ​@@therani9600 You said exactly what I was thinking

  • @gamergod98l86


    3 ай бұрын

    Same man ​@@tylermcmurray2232

  • @pastaaaaaaaaoo3796
    @pastaaaaaaaaoo37966 жыл бұрын

    Girl who almost died has purple eyes. Cat that died is purple. The rope used as train handles are purple (they look like nooses) How did I know he was going to die? The colour of his necktie.

  • @shayden998


    6 жыл бұрын

    ACE DETECTIVE!!!~ that is nice use of color though.

  • @tailsrhtatonslice1418


    6 жыл бұрын

    “Cat that died is purple” -tfw your favorite anime character is a male cat human in a purple sweater-

  • @nightslasher9384


    6 жыл бұрын

    *Takes your pasta away* o _ o You been eating too much pasta to think too much mate.

  • @ChiChi-eu5qj


    6 жыл бұрын

    Yallen 22 *Posh voice* ITS NOT VOILET ITS PRUUNE

  • @leelowden654


    5 жыл бұрын

    Its funny because the colour purple can be associated with the words selfless, fantasy, inventive, imagination and also 'can promote or aggravate depression in some'

  • @genesisa6458
    @genesisa64586 жыл бұрын

    The lyrics for anyone who has trouble reading the subtitles ~~ Day, night, nothing divides the staying always (the staying always) Still and dull, until I pull out a lie Flying from shame Made up and fake enough to wear a grin of fiction (a grin of fiction) Soon another smothered dawn is offed, along with any honest front Echoes the status quo, routine has run itself dry (run itself dry) As the platform brings in hordes, my tired eyes Spot change to my life Trapped by the crowd, looking for a way to make it out A little girl, alone Falls past the yellow Hibiya line whizzes by, stirring up something inside. Ah Clock stopped on eight, though it’s way too late, My logic’s gone with the clang of the train Every hero knows when they’re needed, so, that’s just what he’s born to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared Such a feat like that, it’s a selfless act only completed in dreams And it stays like that for me With a crash I’m trapped back in reality The cat I’d greet with treats one day stopped coming (one day stopped coming) I searched, and found him down on the street, Dead at my feet Though I claim I’m not in pain, I just can’t admit it hurts When the tears nearly appear, I store my feelings further Hiding again, with no right, even breathing is a crime. Ah Hypocrite so hopeless, I wonder if even a body would seem more alive Don’t see, hear, speak of a tragedy, I said and fled from the known So my best friend, that cat, my family and girlfriend, I did nothing when they needed me most “But the fault’s not mine” so I justified, “That’s just the way the world goes” And since then, I’ve given up everything I loved. Although… The echoes come and go, but the voices never show any hope of being human Routine dry, these tired eyes are dim with life So why then, did they brighten when the danger came with her? If only I could stop time… Time will not wait or repeal. Time only tells what is real. Ah Crazy, yes maybe I’ve lost my mind, but I won’t stand by as someone else dies Every hero knows when they’re need so, that’s just what I’ll have to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared If I’ve saved someone then my job is done, paid laying finally free In my last moment all I see Are that girl’s vacant eyes smiling at me Awake and breaking the dream With a crash I vanish from reality

  • @wa6488


    Жыл бұрын


  • @starscandietootm1304
    @starscandietootm13046 жыл бұрын

    Am I the only one who's reminded of Heat Haze Daze when I listen to this song? I mean, a man dies saving a girls truck by *dying from trains?* Also, the art is from Sidu, who helped with the Kagerou Project. And great. Now another song I'm compelled to spam

  • @scarery-p55


    6 жыл бұрын

    Star Slayer I knew I recognized the art from somewhere

  • @feralfauna_


    6 жыл бұрын

    Yeah when I first watched the PV for the song (I knew it was done by Sidu because I'd seen it on her Twitter) I thought "huh, so this is like Kagerou Days but... with trains..." I mean even the cat's there come on!

  • @Ei-chan


    6 жыл бұрын

    Hibiya Station _wink wink_

  • @gloriathequeen4756
    @gloriathequeen47562 жыл бұрын

    The lyrics: about suicide and delusions of heroism The background music: yay happy piano!

  • @vevesumi
    @vevesumi6 жыл бұрын

    Heres a good question: Did he really save the little girl, or did he delude himself into being a hero as an excuse to kill himself?

  • @lonegirl2183


    6 жыл бұрын

    Sadly, I believe it was the latter.

  • @kylemoran2931


    6 жыл бұрын

    Judging by how far back from the tracks the girl is, and the fact that she is standing, are indicators that she couldn't have been thrown back like the man believes she was. She was likely just a face he made eye contact with at the last moment, which he may have retroactively made the justification to his death.

  • @EnemyStandMamoru


    6 жыл бұрын

    If you pause at 3:03, right after his eyes went wide, you'll see that she's not on the platform where she was seconds ago. It was a delusion. I don't believe it was as an excuse to kill himself, especially with his facial expressions, but rather he was so worn out and beaten down by life that he genuinely thought he saw the white haired girl go over the tracks, probably coming to his mind when he saw the brown haired girl that looked a lot like her.

  • @postal3412


    6 жыл бұрын

    She's a delusion girl

  • @Kyle-us9qt


    6 жыл бұрын

    not a real girl, a delusion he had

  • @pixelizedsunset
    @pixelizedsunset6 жыл бұрын

    it's kagerou days all over again

  • @carlrodgers3425
    @carlrodgers34256 жыл бұрын

    First thing, Happy Early Birthday Oktavia! I know basically everyone is saying that but I don't care. I really do hope you have an amazing birthday this Friday. The other thing, I have a theory about this song. This might be a little long, but bear with me. So when I first watched/listened to this song, I was very confused on the name. The singer, the person in the PV, not Oktavia, is a man, not a girl. I'll call him Fred just so I can keep this straight. So I had to think about what it means. I was able to figure out pretty soon that the girl that he saves is the 'Delusion Girl'. Whenever we see the girl the only colors are black white and purple. In fact, it almost looks like these are the only three colors used, but they aren't. Near the end when we see him in front of the train, with no girl on the side, everything is in full color. There are a few other times, but this is the most important to my theory. Also, when it flashes the definition of delusion, it says, "a hallucination, wild idea". So here's everything put together. Fred is a cubicle worker. A while ago in his past he had a girlfriend. Everyone loved her, his friends, family, and especially him. But, for some reason, she committed suicide. And Fred didn't do anything. Everyone was heartbroken, and Fred wasn't able to anything. Fast forward to the song Fred is depressed. He can't find any meaning in his life, everything is dull. Then, one day when he's on a train, he starts daydreaming. He sees a girl with white hair and purple eyes about to be killed and he pulls her away. He is loved and applauded and is happy. He was actually able to save someone this time. He was able to... then his is jerked out of his fantasy by the train stopping. The next day at the train stop he sees her again. He realizes what he has to do and he runs forward. He flings her to safety and trows himself in front of the train. They smile at each other before the girl disappears. His eyes widen before he is killed. The girl is Fred's guilt over not being able to save his girlfriend. Her smiling at him is his relief that the stress of that has finally been relived. He has thought about suicide before, to join his girlfriend, but never goes through with it. He is hounded every day, and the stress from this causes him to hallucinate. Eventually these hallucinations take over his life, shown with the overabundance of purple, and cause him to take his own life, think it was to save another's. Thanks for reading this wall of words. Sorry it's so long and unorganized. I also probably didn't get as far into it as I could, there's definitely some stuff with the cat I'm choosing to ignore.

  • @ShinePaw101


    6 жыл бұрын

    I love your theory, it makes so much sence!

  • @lillian4972


    6 жыл бұрын

    Definitely agree with basically everything you said! The girlfriend hanging herself is pretty hard to see • v • I also kinda felt that the Delusion Girl was an excuse for him to commit suicide, because he lacks the motivation to do anything, but "saving the girl" would fulfill that. And the cat, I'm not sure but I thought it represented the girlfriend too? Because he does pay attention to and love his girlfriend (he gives the cat milk every time), but both still end up dead. Thank you for your explanation too! It cleared up a lot for me :>

  • @dorkasaurus2187


    6 жыл бұрын

    I think your theory is very interesting!! If I were to add anything about the cat, I'd say that as it was dead at his feet, it was another delusion. It was at that moment, he realized he let everyone down. He wasn't the hero he wished he was, that ideal was only a fantasy. He let down everyone; that cat, his best friend, his girlfriend, his family. He wasn't strong enough to save his girlfriend from suicide. I wasn't strong enough to save his family and friends from depression. He's blaming himself for these things he can't control. "Every hero's known when their needed so," he thinks it's his fault that all these things happen. So he images the girl. Wishing, just once, to play hero, he jumps in front of the train. However, right before his death, he "Crashes back to reality." The girl was his delusion. He committed suicide... This song is now very, very dear to me. Mainly because, I was never able to save anyone. They all left me... which might have happened to the man, now that i think about it. It was never said what happened to his family... perhaps they felt let down, and they left him? Sorry, getting off topic... so, they left me. Sometimes they came back, sometimes they didn't, but it felt like I wasn't good enough. Now, I often fantasize about being a hero. Saving someone else, not caring if my own life is spared... this song makes me feel less alone.

  • @carlrodgers3425


    6 жыл бұрын

    RainyDays So I've watched it a few more times and I think I know what the cat is supposed to be. When he says he let down his family, I'm not sure what that is, he let down his girlfriend because he wasn't able to stop her, but I think the cat is supposed to be his best friend. He greeted the cat with treats, meaning that whenever they hung out he got something for his friend. They were just really good friends. But then one day he doesn't show up where they were supposed to meet. Fred knows his path so he goes along that trying to find his friend. He looks down and sees a bloody corpse at his feet. A victim of a hit and run accident, and another person he wasn't able to save. Also, I'm sorry you feel that way Rainy. I'm glad that this makes you feel less lonely. Just know that you aren't alone. There are always people who care about you, you just have to look.

  • @dorkasaurus2187


    6 жыл бұрын

    Carl Rodgers thank you! And as for the theory, I think that also makes sense!! I feel like this song can be interpreted in many ways, but I like your theories!!!

  • @milkkkkkkks9803
    @milkkkkkkks98036 жыл бұрын

    i just realized that the girl from the end of the vid also showed up at 1:16 after his first daydream of saving someone

  • @keyofheartsheartwings6664
    @keyofheartsheartwings66642 жыл бұрын

    3:00 What I like is how the train suddenly appears in the frame. Then it switches to 3:03 showing how close the train got and just how within that second he was able to snap back to reality again.

  • @Potato-sg6qr
    @Potato-sg6qr5 жыл бұрын

    From 1:58 to 2:04 the images flash by fast so I couldn't see them well. I slowed down the video and watched that part again. I can now clearly see those images and the song has suddenly gotten 5 times sadder.

  • @indigoparadox
    @indigoparadox6 жыл бұрын

    Excellent vocals, excellent mixing. Frequently, cover artists don't attenuate or distort the parts that should be attenuated or distorted (not to minimize their efforts; I still enjoy their work a lot,) but your attenuation [sic] to detail (get it? get it?) is excellent and greatly appreciated, as I think it adds so much to the overall end result (this goes for your other covers, too, particularly Persecution Complex Cellphone Girl and People Allergy). Overall excellent job, as usual. ご馳走だな...

  • @peachforce
    @peachforce6 жыл бұрын

    So, serious question-- my _favorite_ part of these lyrics is undoubtedly the beautiful (and beautiful to sing) _The echoes come and go, but the voices never show any hope of being human / Routine dry, these tired eyes are dim with life..._ etc, but why use those lyrics for the bridge? The original is a repeat of the 'little girl falls across the warning line' part of the prechorus, just sung to a different tune. I'm guessing it was because of how damn hard it is to stretch that out (in the first verse/prechorus, the opening tune to those lines is covered by a different line; 'Spot change to my life', I think)-- is that right, or is there a deeper meaning?

  • @OktaviavonSeckendorff8


    6 жыл бұрын

    Yves I’m glad you liked it! And yeah the original is just a repeat of the lyrics, but I felt that it would sound a little bit unnatural to straight up repeat it (somehow it doesn’t work as well in English as in Japanese I found), so I tried to change it up a bit!

  • @MichisDanglyAngly
    @MichisDanglyAngly6 жыл бұрын

    HOLY SHIT????????????????? MY?? EARS??? HAVE BEEN BLESSED??????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • @yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
    @yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh6 жыл бұрын

    ❤❤❤❤ you sound so great!! I love sidu's art. I just love the detail like the amount of likes and retweets when he's daydreaming. Just everything is so sad aaagsg

  • @vevesumi
    @vevesumi6 жыл бұрын

    Day, night, nothing divides the staying always (the staying always) Still and dull, until I pull out a lie Flying from shame Made up and fake enough to wear a grin of fiction (a grin of fiction) Soon another smothered dawn is offed, along with any honest front Echoes the status quo, routine has run itself dry (run itself dry) As the platform brings in hordes, my tired eyes Spot change to my life Trapped by the crowd, looking for a way to make it out A little girl, alone Falls past the yellow Hibiya line whizzes by, stirring up something inside. Ah Clock stopped on eight, though it’s way too late, My logic’s gone with the clang of the train Every hero knows when they’re needed, so, that’s just what he’s born to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared Such a feat like that, it’s a selfless act only completed in dreams And it stays like that for me With a crash I’m trapped back in reality The cat I’d greet with treats one day stopped coming (one day stopped coming) I searched, and found him down on the street, Dead at my feet Though I claim I’m not in pain, I just can’t admit it hurts When the tears nearly appear, I store my feelings further Hiding again, with no right, even breathing is a crime. Ah Hypocrite so hopeless, I wonder if even a body would seem more alive Don’t see, hear, speak of a tragedy, I said and fled from the known So my best friend, that cat, my family and girlfriend, I did nothing when they needed me most “But the fault’s not mine” so I justified, “That’s just the way the world goes” And since then, I’ve given up everything I loved. Although… The echoes come and go, but the voices never show any hope of being human Routine dry, these tired eyes are dim with life So why then, did they brighten when the danger came with her? If only I could stop time… Time will not wait or repeal. Time only tells what is real. Ah Crazy, yes maybe I’ve lost my mind, but I won’t stand by as someone else dies Every hero knows when they’re need so, that’s just what I’ll have to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared If I’ve saved someone then my job is done, paid laying finally free In my last moment all I see Are that girl’s vacant eyes smiling at me Awake and breaking the dream With a crash I vanish from reality

  • @vashustampede


    6 жыл бұрын

    vevesumi oh my gosh thank you for this

  • @scarery-p55
    @scarery-p556 жыл бұрын

    well then, wasn't prepared for that ending

  • @scarery-p55


    6 жыл бұрын

    also I have a 9 part Biology assignment due in two days. Why do you this to me?

  • @pocky1556


    6 жыл бұрын

    xXScareMasterXx SAAAAAME

  • @fae8467
    @fae84676 жыл бұрын

    I certainly didn't expect this to be so dark if i'm being completely honest, gave me goosebumps the first time I heard it. However it is in no way done badly, in fact the way you've sung this is perfect for these lyrics and this style of song. In terms of the songs story and video itself they are both also great, especially a few semi-hidden factors such as the color purple being associated with Death, as seen by the purple nooses, the girls purple eyes, the purple cat, and finally the man's purple tie. There is also the very realistic possibility that not once was the girl falling into the tracks either times, as seen by how she was still standing and didn't seem at all disoriented, which would be the normal result of being thrown by the momentum of a falling man, Instead she seemed simply shocked and horrified, as is the normal result of witnessing such an act on the sidelines. Not even to mention just how far back she was.

  • @Lustrous1180
    @Lustrous11805 жыл бұрын

    when I first saw the first paragraphs/lyrics of the song I thought ''well this guy definitely must have been through trauma as it had said 'made up and fake enough to bear a grin of fiction' and other obvious signs of how he feels and how much he tries to hide it the chorus at first I was a little confuse as it said 'Every hero knows when they’re needed, so, that’s just what he’s born to be.A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared' (now I look at it its very obvious what the song was trying to say but) I thought ''the song was just talking about how he faked his smiles and how horrible he feels inside, why would he want to save someone he doesn't really know? unless it was a way to make him feel better about something. next paragraph, I literally understood all of the chorus as it had talked about how the people (and pet) he had known has died I was like ''OH, so he wanted to save a stranger to relieve himself from guilt, ok that makes sense to me now'' next paragraph, this part of it interested me most ''Routine dry, these tired eyes are dim with life, So why then, did they brighten when the danger came with her?'' I feel like this kind of shows how he didn't want to be in the same routine, doing the same normal things over and over again, or he wanted to show the purpose of his family, friends and other people he knew losing their lives/wanted to show that they didn't die in vain. last chorus, oh jeez that's when it got kind of dark ''If I’ve saved someone then my job is done, paid laying finally free,In my last moment all I see Are that girl’s vacant eyes smiling at me,Awake and breaking the dream,With a crash I vanish from reality'' he wanted to finally meet all the people he lost, without guilt pressured upon him, but, the last moment he realizes that, that girl was just a delusion (maybe it was the pill that was shown just before the second verse, maybe he started imagining things or maybe, that was the voices he was talking about ''The echoes come and go, but the voices never show any hope of being human'' maybe the voices had duplicate the girl that was at the train stop so he could actually think he was saving someone? I don't know, this was just what I thought about the song, I never ever do this kind of thing, so could you guys tell me if I made a error anywhere? thanks (also sorry this is soooo long T-T I will try to shorten it if I ever do this again)

  • @leemebaby
    @leemebaby6 жыл бұрын

    "I won't stand by as someone else dies" oh fuck I just realized what that meant.

  • @violetsuwu
    @violetsuwu6 жыл бұрын

    1: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! Thanks for taking the time to make us happy so take this time to enjoy yourself! 2: I LOVE THISSSS!

  • @___.______.______.______._____
    @___.______.______.______._____3 жыл бұрын

    Here’s what happened if you didn’t figure out (according to me) Best friend: murdered Family: murdered Cat: hit by a vehicle Girlfriend: suicide I think

  • @halpyhal


    4 ай бұрын

    Uh, no, that’s not what happened lmfao. - His best friend was bullied and he did nothing to stop it. Bullying is very harsh and common in asian schools. - It looks as though his family is asking him to stay, maybe to help with finances but he refused. - The cat was hit by a car and left to die. The reason why he feels to blame for this is because he didn’t rescue it while he had the chance. - His girlfriend did indeed take her own life. She likely came to him for help in her distress and he didn’t know how to help her. That’s why he feels guilty about it. His friend and family getting murdered would go against the point of the song and the root of his depression. His inaction has caused people pain and he wishes he could be the opposite. If they were murdered then that wouldn’t be something he could perceive as his fault.

  • @___.______.______.______._____


    4 ай бұрын

    @@halpyhal yeah that makes sense, is there an official story that goes with this song somewhere?

  • @frankie9657
    @frankie96576 жыл бұрын

    Did he actually save the girl? Did he just make it up as an excuse to kill himself?Because at the end the girl looks far from the tracks as if she never was about to fall on them in the first place

  • @hannanifakharuzzaman7158


    6 жыл бұрын

    it's just an excuse sadly

  • @frankie9657


    6 жыл бұрын


  • @Kyle-us9qt


    6 жыл бұрын

    The girl who he 'saved' isn't real, she's a delusion. It's not an excuse, he literally saw her as if she was about to die. He widens his eyes at the end and sees that she really isn't there, you can see that she isn't by pausing. tl;dr brain tricked him



    6 жыл бұрын

    Kyle Yeah but he had been struggling with suicidal thoughts for a long time. Every day when he goes to work you see him looking at the nooses on the train. There was a part of him that knew what was true. His eyes widen at the end because he is hit by the realization that it wasn't real, yeah, but he wasn't exactly tricked. He made a choice.

  • @boeman6702


    5 жыл бұрын

    Basically, his own brain made a mistake and thought that it saw a girl falling off the tracks. So jumps to save her. In the last moment, his brain notices that it made a huge mistake, and that he was just hallucinating.

  • @loli_cvnt5622
    @loli_cvnt56226 жыл бұрын

    I read the description too late I WAS NOT PREPARED This is really good, but *I WAS NOT PREPARED :'DDD* Funfact: My birthday is on Saturday :p

  • @swampet5457


    5 жыл бұрын

    I hope you had a good birthday both this and last year =)

  • @TheDioscuri_11
    @TheDioscuri_116 жыл бұрын

    aaaaa Advanced Happy Birthday! Have fun on your birthday! also aaaaaaa take care please know that we love you

  • @vigilante1603
    @vigilante16036 жыл бұрын

    I’ve rewatched this so many times now. Your lyrics go excellently, they give me goosebumps just listening to it, paired with the animation I almost cried I’m not even kidding. Pls keep this up if another song similar to this comes out pls smash it like you did with this one!

  • @thearsonistofarland3087
    @thearsonistofarland30872 жыл бұрын

    R.I.P. purple cat😔

  • @kyleetime
    @kyleetime6 жыл бұрын


  • @UnknownBird27
    @UnknownBird276 жыл бұрын

    This cover was so amazing, I loved it so much! Thank you for covering this song!!

  • @mrsryoukotakihama
    @mrsryoukotakihama6 жыл бұрын

    happy birthday! and oh my gosh i never clicked a video so fast! so excellent to see sidu's pv with such an amazing voice.

  • @lolabee1825
    @lolabee18255 жыл бұрын

    This is just sooo goood!!! The way you sang the last part of the song is SO AMAZING!! I can't stop listening to this!! So addictive! 😍😍😍

  • @UtauReni
    @UtauReni6 жыл бұрын

    GIRL NICE!!!! those low notes though, holy crap?? also happy early birthday!!!

  • @ichorvial
    @ichorvial6 жыл бұрын

    your singing in this plus the lyrics gives me CHILLS this is such a good cover

  • @user-rw6mj7fl5g
    @user-rw6mj7fl5g5 жыл бұрын

    Lyrics Day, night, nothing divides the staying always (the staying always) Still and dull, until I pull out a lie Flying from shame Made up and fake enough to wear a grin of fiction (a grin of fiction) Soon another smothered dawn is offed, along with any honest front Echoes the status quo, routine has run itself dry (run itself dry) As the platform brings in hordes, my tired eyes Spot change to my life Trapped by the crowd, looking for a way to make it out A little girl, alone Falls past the yellow Hibiya line whizzes by, stirring up something inside. Ah Clock stopped on eight, though it’s way too late, My logic’s gone with the clang of the train Every hero knows when they’re needed, so, that’s just what he’s born to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared Such a feat like that, it’s a selfless act only completed in dreams And it stays like that for me With a crash I’m trapped back in reality The cat I’d greet with treats one day stopped coming (one day stopped coming) I searched, and found him down on the street, Dead at my feet Though I claim I’m not in pain, I just can’t admit it hurts When the tears nearly appear, I store my feelings further Hiding again, with no right, even breathing is a crime. Ah Hypocrite so hopeless, I wonder if even a body would seem more alive Don’t see, hear, speak of a tragedy, I said and fled from the known So my best friend, that cat, my family and girlfriend, I did nothing when they needed me most “But the fault’s not mine” so I justified, “That’s just the way the world goes” And since then, I’ve given up everything I loved. Although… The echoes come and go, but the voices never show any hope of being human Routine dry, these tired eyes are dim with life So why then, did they brighten when the danger came with her? If only I could stop time… Time will not wait or repeal. Time only tells what is real. Ah Crazy, yes maybe I’ve lost my mind, but I won’t stand by as someone else dies Every hero knows when they’re need so, that’s just what I’ll have to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared If I’ve saved someone then my job is done, paid laying finally free In my last moment all I see Are that girl’s vacant eyes smiling at me Awake and breaking the dream With a crash I vanish from reality

  • @wa6488


    Жыл бұрын


  • @luckycat5066
    @luckycat50666 жыл бұрын

    I actually can't stop jamming to this.Well done, I hope you're happy c:

  • @philodendronscandens8122
    @philodendronscandens81224 жыл бұрын

    This song gave me chills- good job Oktavia!

  • @chibimaster7819
    @chibimaster78193 жыл бұрын

    The harmonies if this song are just so addicting i can't stop replaying it

  • @arcadiusdragoneyes727
    @arcadiusdragoneyes7276 жыл бұрын

    My theory is that he did save that girl originally and found a brief escape from his depression which then ended up creating an illusion of the girl causing him jump into the tracks to ‘save her’ again and find that happiness again

  • @vashustampede
    @vashustampede6 жыл бұрын

    oh my gosh thank you so much for covering this song?? i just found it recently but it’s absolutely stolen my heart and i wasn’t expecting to find an english cover of it so soon! your works are absolutely stunning, and i love your voice! thank you for covering this song, you really do it justice!!

  • @averyhappynobody8822
    @averyhappynobody88226 жыл бұрын

    Happy early birthday! Thanks for making this wonderful cover. It really made my day!

  • @jackieg5569
    @jackieg55696 жыл бұрын

    You sing this song with such passion and emotion! Absolutely wonderful!

  • @sunlaa7221
    @sunlaa72216 жыл бұрын

    Happy early birthday Oktavia! I hope you can get through all your work. Great cover as usual, and thanks for introducing me to another great song animated by Sidu!

  • @suneater9106
    @suneater91066 жыл бұрын

    Happy early birthday!!!!! I hope you have a awesome birthday you deserve it!!! Amazing cover as always

  • @tayls8158
    @tayls81586 жыл бұрын

    I swear, you're unable to ever disappoint; you never do. Everything you do is just perfection. A+ to you. Also, happy early birthday!!!

  • @oobs28
    @oobs286 жыл бұрын

    This is pretty amazing, I love your voice!

  • @Darkrockmanbeyond
    @Darkrockmanbeyond6 жыл бұрын

    Great cover as always, and happy early birthday!

  • @kyleneckar3415
    @kyleneckar34156 жыл бұрын

    Holy crap this is the most well-made and powerful lyric PV I've ever seen

  • @leynanguyen2809
    @leynanguyen28096 жыл бұрын

    ok wow this is the most amazing vocaloid cover i've ever heard, hands down

  • @albertand2484
    @albertand24846 жыл бұрын

    You covered this song. As if I didn't already, I love you even more now. THANK YOU! 😍

  • @hockey-more-like-4943
    @hockey-more-like-49436 жыл бұрын

    I love this song! Your voice really brings it to life!

  • @koutareyama8393
    @koutareyama83936 жыл бұрын

    Soo...Did the guy just imagined the girl as a way of redeeming himself And died for nothing at all?

  • @Sours56


    6 жыл бұрын

    I think he imagined saving the girl (with a crash I'm trapped back in reality), but just before the bridge the girl he daydreamed about actually appears, and he actually saves her, dying in the process (with a crash I vanish from reality)

  • @hannanifakharuzzaman7158


    6 жыл бұрын

    +wolverinedoctorwho I think he didn't actually saved anyone... he just killed himself in the end... the girl was like an excuse for him to jump

  • @ryanthechilihost5102


    3 жыл бұрын

    She’s a delusion. She wasn’t real in the first place

  • @sleepydevilz


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@hannanifakharuzzaman7158 My theory is that she was a delusion his brain made up to kind of validate(validate isnt the word i wanted but it works) his suicide.

  • @walnut_raisin2621
    @walnut_raisin26216 жыл бұрын

    I totally get this song (I hope lol) and I'm really glad of how smooth and quickly the writer was able to talk about the topics. Him wanting to be a hero not helping those he loved and then being a hero but dieing. All of that with awesome art lyrics and of course to top it off with the cherry is Oktavia's beautiful voice

  • @kylie3534
    @kylie35346 жыл бұрын


  • @mizukinosawada4586
    @mizukinosawada45866 жыл бұрын

    I can't stop hearing this °^° It's too fantastic!!!

  • @chaneychane9339
    @chaneychane93393 жыл бұрын

    This is DOPE

  • @puckman_deluxe
    @puckman_deluxe5 жыл бұрын

    I love this song a lot, it’s sad but also a story told so interestingly. I usually listen to the Japanese version (the original) but this cover is absolutely amazing. I really enjoy how you translated and sang it. Thank you for being inspiring.

  • @Sunshine-hb3pl
    @Sunshine-hb3pl6 жыл бұрын

    Love this cover!

  • @cryingtea9288
    @cryingtea92886 жыл бұрын

    This is so great! I actually got goosebumps at the end...

  • @dallaswalker340
    @dallaswalker3406 жыл бұрын

    OUCH! This is gorgeous oh my gosh ;;;

  • @Shadowthian
    @Shadowthian6 жыл бұрын


  • @feralfauna_
    @feralfauna_6 жыл бұрын

    I'M HERE ONLY 10 HOURS LATE LOL Ughhhhh Oktavia whyyyyy You're perfect and this song is perfect and the PV is perfect and your lyrics are perfect and damn was it worth the hype.

  • @feralfauna_


    6 жыл бұрын

    Also that last sentence gah

  • @Makkihlp


    6 жыл бұрын

    im here 3 months late so......

  • @onikama_
    @onikama_6 жыл бұрын


  • @keipe008
    @keipe008 Жыл бұрын

    2:22 is my favorite part

  • @altjay1837
    @altjay18376 жыл бұрын

    I love it!

  • @yinyang-p9265
    @yinyang-p92656 жыл бұрын

    Omg??? Your birthday is October too??? I feel so honored to have my birthday in the same month as the Youtaite queen,,, and I get to listen to such an amazing voice as a belated birthday gift too,,,, god bless your soul, Oktavia.

  • @arandomzasshu7207
    @arandomzasshu72076 жыл бұрын


  • @squirtyharry
    @squirtyharry6 жыл бұрын

    A bop as always

  • @Coquitten
    @Coquitten5 жыл бұрын

    I interpret this (somewhat alike the video but with a twist) As he is a person who feels suicidal, and is sick and tired of everyday life; he wants to be a hero and mean something. So he dreams of saving a girl about to kill herself, because that is who he wants to be. And he leaves his family (or they leave him/die), so he starts to hate himself much more and delude himself to what is going on. At the end he creates an imaginary girl that he is going to "save" by jumping in front of the train, and when he falls in front of the train, he realizes there is no girl and he dies. ;w;

  • @ilovekeaten
    @ilovekeaten6 жыл бұрын

    OML Where have you been all my life yes please! This is my new favorite song hell yes!

  • @tidalwavewarning
    @tidalwavewarning6 жыл бұрын

    i! love! this! so! much! dsoudh and to think after all this time im STILL having a hard time figuring out whats going on ;;

  • @HanaMangaka
    @HanaMangaka4 ай бұрын

    Am I the only one that thinks of Shouta Aizawa's story in the manga of BNHA with this song

  • @melontown
    @melontown5 жыл бұрын

    This was published on my birthday 0.0 (Anyway I love this cover its so well done!)

  • @KezoGrailENVtuber
    @KezoGrailENVtuber6 жыл бұрын


  • @smolhermit207
    @smolhermit2076 жыл бұрын

    ;--; 👏👏 beautiful

  • @wa6488
    @wa6488 Жыл бұрын

    1:10 I like how the likes and shares show up

  • @thespeakerofnonsense7961
    @thespeakerofnonsense79616 жыл бұрын

    I know I shouldn't be laughing but....this guy looks like levi....

  • @rainedropii


    6 жыл бұрын

    The Speaker of Nonsense a tall Levi

  • @drawingmastah5672


    6 жыл бұрын


  • @mizukinosawada4586


    6 жыл бұрын

    'Cos this I found this Song ^^

  • @ChiChi-eu5qj


    6 жыл бұрын

    The Speaker of Nonsense Levi if eren died

  • @ChiChi-eu5qj


    6 жыл бұрын

    Alexa Nanami 😂

  • @idknw28
    @idknw286 жыл бұрын

    So beautiful, I'm in love

  • @Elizabeth-hu9os
    @Elizabeth-hu9os6 жыл бұрын

    This. Is. AMAZING!!!! I'm sorry for being late!!

  • @valxena9640
    @valxena96406 жыл бұрын


  • @maroonless
    @maroonless5 жыл бұрын

    is it just me or do the drums at the start/end / around the train scenes sound like train tracks bc i keep hearing and its so fuckin clever i love it

  • @akarishiori5231
    @akarishiori52315 жыл бұрын

    I think when he was holding onto the ropes hanging on the train, he was still holding on to life. Ooor maybe they're just nooses and he's rethinking his life... He was sad and depressed and most of all, guilty. Guilty he couldn't save his best friend, that cat, his family and girlfriend. And that guilt took a form of a girl. (Idk why) And his guilt was trying to find him an opportunity to kill himself, but just making him think of it as a heroic act. "Tired eyes" was mentioned 2 times. He was tired of living, maybe tired of living with guilt? "Trapped by the crowd, looking for a way to make it out" ... I can only think he's being suffocated by the people around him and he's trying to find a way to break free and breathe, as he was choking on the constant reminder that was his guilt. Then the girl, his guilt, appeared again. The girl was pulling him towards his death, but he stopped and snapped out of it before he could do the deed. On the second verse, he said "Though I claim I'm not in pain, I just can't admit it hurts... When tears nearly appear, I store my feelings further". Maybe he was telling himself all the time not to feel and let the pain sink in because if it does, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. "Don't see, hear, speak of a tragedy" he told himself and was trying to run away from it all. He tried to stay positive, saying it's not his fault. The echoes in his head were probably his thoughts. His "routine" was the constant guilt creeping behind him everyday and the longer he lived, more tragedy will occur. This was becoming an inevitable cycle for him, to which he couldn't do anything about. When his eyes brightened when the girl appeared again, he was happy to find an excuse to die. He didn't care if he died anymore. He thought that if he died, he can repay the people he mentioned he failed. He thought that him merely existing is a crime and nobody should ever die or sacrifice anything for him again. So he decided to end it all. At some point near or in the bridge, you see him facing the train doors as it opens and he exits on his last stop: death. When he finally took the jump, he felt free of his debt to the people he failed. In his last moments he saw the girl smiling at him. Idk if thats evil or maybe the girl is smiling because he can finally be with his family or girlfriend?? He was able to snap out of his delusions... but it was too late. Maybe he came to his senses, realizing what he's done. Or maybe he snapped out of it because he saw the real girl among the crowd? But if I go along with what I said, that the girl is his guilt taking form in his delusions, then it might've disappeared when he felt he had fulfilled his part. I don't really know about the girl that showed up in the ending. Maybe theres more of a story to this than I thought.

  • @___.______.______.______._____


    3 жыл бұрын

    She was the real one, he saw her once and then his mind tricked him into thinking that she was falling a second time

  • @notlucky756
    @notlucky7566 жыл бұрын


  • @wisterisum6909
    @wisterisum69096 жыл бұрын


  • @kiring2297
    @kiring22976 жыл бұрын

    Ey Tavia’ can I call you that? No? Well, I mean, I can’t describe how well you sang this, the bleeding cat part killed me inside : A : but this song is beautiful, and describes many things in reality. Ya done good.

  • @gabriela3317
    @gabriela33176 жыл бұрын

    it´s great!! :D

  • @MarieKyriney
    @MarieKyriney6 жыл бұрын

    Ahh! I really wanna listen to it but i dont want to start up my pc right now xd

  • @Jeremy-se1kp
    @Jeremy-se1kp6 жыл бұрын

    Welp i have a new favorite cover of yours.

  • @joellamae8004
    @joellamae80046 жыл бұрын

    Ok so how I see these song is a man who fantasizes about being able to help someone and he works hard work. He also begins to realize that he threw almost his whole life away. He falls into a depression and then sees on of his daydreams come true and does what he did in the dream. Just he pulls her away and throws himself in-front instead. But in the end it could’ve possible been his own mind tricking him, so he just threw himself in front of a train because of his pain. Although if it wasn’t his mind playing tricks, the little girls purple eyes could possibly mean her innocence dying.

  • @leelowden654


    5 жыл бұрын

    The girl was a delusion he accidentally created as an excuse to kill himself. We see the real girl the delusion was based off twice in the song. Both after the events in which he 'saves' the 'girl'.

  • @TheAz123456789010
    @TheAz1234567890106 жыл бұрын


  • @HatsuneM1ku01
    @HatsuneM1ku013 жыл бұрын

    Came here from rachies comments and you are amazing too💙💙💙

  • @___.______.______.______._____
    @___.______.______.______._____3 жыл бұрын

    The blonde girl looks like a younger version of the one in milk tea

  • @arinoir9257
    @arinoir92576 жыл бұрын

    Happy early birdthday! And i hope school beggins to lay off of you to let you relax-

  • @CodedDragon
    @CodedDragon6 жыл бұрын

    Nice. I like it.

  • @brdnfrd6420
    @brdnfrd64206 жыл бұрын

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART UR SO SWEET AND TALENTED ILL ALWAYS LOVE U OK plus its ok i understand tht ur getting burieD IN SCHOOL WORK OK I FOrgot about an assignment and i need to read a 153 page book and then make an essay about it in two days bUT OH WELL HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! :0

  • @YamiBasara
    @YamiBasara6 жыл бұрын

    Wanna make contributions for your covers in Spanish! (And Happy Birthday... too late for my part, I know -I am a bad person, I know ;;- )

  • @mui9681
    @mui96815 жыл бұрын

    LYRICS (disclaimer; if youre on a a computer, PLEASE just use and go to her link. This is for those of us who prefer seeing them typed out yet aren't gonna pay just so youtube will continue to play when it opens a web page on mobile. I will delete them if she so wishes.) Day, night, nothing divides the staying always (the staying always) Still and dull, until I pull out a lie Flying from shame Made up and fake enough to wear a grin of fiction (a grin of fiction) Soon another smothered dawn is offed, along with any honest front Echoes the status quo, routine has run itself dry (run itself dry) As the platform brings in hordes, my tired eyes Spot change to my life Trapped by the crowd, looking for a way to make it out A little girl, alone Falls past the yellow Hibiya line whizzes by, stirring up something inside. Ah Clock stopped on eight, though it’s way too late, My logic’s gone with the clang of the train Every hero knows when they’re needed, so, that’s just what he’s born to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared Such a feat like that, it’s a selfless act only completed in dreams And it stays like that for me With a crash I’m trapped back in reality The cat I’d greet with treats one day stopped coming (one day stopped coming) I searched, and found him down on the street, Dead at my feet Though I claim I’m not in pain, I just can’t admit it hurts When the tears nearly appear, I store my feelings further Hiding again, with no right, even breathing is a crime. Ah Hypocrite so hopeless, I wonder if even a body would seem more alive Don’t see, hear, speak of a tragedy, I said and fled from the known So my best friend, that cat, my family and girlfriend, I did nothing when they needed me most “But the fault’s not mine” so I justified, “That’s just the way the world goes” And since then, I’ve given up everything I loved. Although… The echoes come and go, but the voices never show any hope of being human Routine dry, these tired eyes are dim with life So why then, did they brighten when the danger came with her? If only I could stop time… Time will not wait or repeal. Time only tells what is real. Ah Crazy, yes maybe I’ve lost my mind, but I won’t stand by as someone else dies Every hero knows when they’re need so, that’s just what I’ll have to be A man who manages throwing out his hand, Who doesn’t care if his own life is spared If I’ve saved someone then my job is done, paid laying finally free In my last moment all I see Are that girl’s vacant eyes smiling at me Awake and breaking the dream With a crash I vanish from reality

  • @kindantisocial352
    @kindantisocial3526 жыл бұрын

    The video is not available but I'm pretty sure it's another amazing work
