🍔 Delicious Miniature McDonald's Burger Recipe | Perfect Tiny Food Satisfying Miniature Mini Yummy


▽ Story of the day: Good morning guys. Do you like Burger 🍔🍔🍔? Let me tell you about our specials today. I make miniature McDonald's Burger in my tiny kitchen. Hope you guys enjoy it! Don't forget to subscribe!
▽ Ingredient:
- Flour
- Fresh milk
- Dry yeast
- Sugar
- Egg
- Butter
- Egg yolk
- Sesame
- Onion
- Tomato
- Ground beef
- Cooking oil
- Cheddar cheese
- Sauce
- Lettuce
#miniaturecake, #miniaturecooking, #miniature, #miniaturefood, #miniaturekitchen

