Day0009 SB 1.1.4


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, was compiled five thousand years ago
Kṛṣṇa says that "Forty millions of years ago I spoke this Bhagavad-gītā to sun-god." So where is the history? Where IS MODERN history stands? It cannot give chronological table more than three thousand years.
Vedic culture is very old. It is not a concocted thing or a new pattern. It is eternal. Therefore it is called sanātana. Sanātana means eternal. It has no beginning, no end.
our relationship and exchange of loving service with Kṛṣṇa is also eternal. Kṛṣṇa is eternal, we are eternal, and our dealings with Kṛṣṇa is also eternal.
sometimes it becomes interrupted by the māyā, which is called svapna. Svapna means dreamlike. As dream has no fact, it is all hallucination, similarly our detachment from Kṛṣṇa is also a hallucination.
Gauracandra, Caitanya Mahāprabhu, is asking everyone, "Wake up!" The same dreaming. "Wake up."
jīv jāgo jīv jāgo gauracānda bole
kota nidrā jāo māyā-piśācīra kole
"Why you are sleeping on the lap of this māyā, illusory energy? Why you are sleeping?" Jīv jāgo jīv jāgo gauracānda bole. "Get up."
bhajibo boliyā ese saṁsāra-bhitare
bhuliyā rohile tumi avidyāra bhare
Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says, "At that time again I promised: 'This time by coming out of my mother's womb, I shall become a devotee.' " But as soon as he comes out, he becomes forgetful. This is going on.
Caitanya Mahāprabhu said the pushing, the point pushing, enechi auṣadhi māyā nāśibāro lāgi': "Now I have brought this."
Animiṣa-kṣetre-the spot which is especially a favorite of Viṣṇu, who does not close His eyelids.
our eyes, we have got closing, eyelid closes. But Viṣṇu's eye, it never closes. Therefore He is called animiṣa. Therefore gopīs condemned Brahmā, that "Why you have awarded us these nonsense eyelids? (laughter) It sometimes closes the eye, we cannot see Kṛṣṇa." This is gopīs' desire. They want to see Kṛṣṇa always, without being disturbed by the eyelids.
In the Satya-yuga they used to live for one hundred thousands of years; in Tretā-yuga, ten thousands of years; and in the Dvāpara-yuga, one thousands of years. And now in this Kali-yuga, one hundred years. That also not complete.
Prāyeṇālpāyuṣaḥ kalāv asmin yuge janāḥ.
in this Kali-yuga the duration of life, the span of life will be gradually reduced. Memory will be reduced. Strength will be reduced. Mercifulness will be reduced.
Frog Philosophy is existing everywhere. Even they are informed about the capacity of God, they take it as story.
yasyaika-niśvasita-kālam athāvalambya jīvanti loma-vilajā jagad-aṇḍa-nāthāḥ [Bs. 5.48], all the universes are coming out in the breathing period of Mahā-Viṣṇu, and that Mahā-Viṣṇu is partial representation of Kṛṣṇa
ŚB 7.9.19
बालस्य नेह शरणं पितरौ नृसिंह नार्तस्य चागदमुदन्वति मज्जतो नौ: ।
तप्तस्य तत्प्रतिविधिर्य इहाञ्जसेष्ट- स्तावद्विभो तनुभृतां त्वदुपेक्षितानाम् ॥ १९ ॥
My Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, O Supreme, because of a bodily conception of life, embodied souls neglected and not cared for by You cannot do anything for their betterment. Whatever remedies they accept, although perhaps temporarily beneficial, are certainly impermanent. For example, a father and mother cannot protect their child, a physician and medicine cannot relieve a suffering patient, and a boat on the ocean cannot protect a drowning man.
if you are neglected by Kṛṣṇa, no counteraction will save you. If one is neglected by God, he cannot be savedThat is not possible
यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धनः ।
तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसङ्गः समाचर ॥ ९ ॥
Work done as a sacrifice for Viṣṇu has to be performed; otherwise work causes bondage in this material world. Therefore, O son of Kuntī, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain free from bondage.
Kṛṣṇa is canvassing, यत्करोषि यदश्न‍ासि यज्ज‍ुहोषि ददासि यत् ।
यत्तपस्यसि कौन्तेय तत्कुरुष्व मदर्पणम् [Bg. 9.27]
Even if you give charity, if you become munificent, merciful, that is also not good unless you do it for Kṛṣṇa.
But the difficulty is that Kṛṣṇa does not eat all nonsense. And one has to eat all nonsense. So therefore they are not... They are afraid of becoming Kṛṣṇa conscious. Yes. Because they'll be forbidden. Kṛṣṇa said, patraṁ puṣpaṁ phalaṁ toyaṁ yo me bhaktyā prayacchati [Bg. 9.26].
Kṛṣṇa eats. But we do not know how He is eating. That is a spiritual process. That is answered in the Brahma-saṁhitā. Aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛttimanti paśyanti pānti kalayanti ciraṁ jaganti [Bs. 5.32].
Because He is omnipotent. Every part of His body has got all the potencies of other parts of the body. Therefore you offer with faith and love to Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa, simply by seeing, He can eat.
Arcye śilā-dhīr guruṣu nara-matiḥ. To think of the Deity, worshipable Deity, as stone or wood, to think of the spiritual master as ordinary human being, these are not allowed. Then he is not making progress.

