DAY OF AFRICA 2022 - The Federal Republic of Nigeria

Africa Day celebration (Sofia, May 2022)
2022 is the African Year of Nutrition “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Economic Capital Development”
The African Ambassadors accredited to the Republic of Bulgaria of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria and South Africa, and the Honorary Consuls representing Ghana, Seychelles and Sudan, have celebrated “Africa Day” on the 21rst, May 2022 at the Ivan Vasov national Theatre City Garden in Sofia.
To this end, senior Bulgarian officials as well as diplomats and representatives of the diplomatic corps, and the general public took part in this celebration.
The Africa Day is celebrated every year on May 25th, date which coincides with the establishment of the Organization of African Unity on May 25 1963 by the leaders of African states. Since then, May 25th has been celebrated widely across the world to show Africa’s identity, unity and cultural diversity. African Diasporas also celebrate the day through various activities. This shows that Africa Day is widely observed on a global scale by various African communities.
In 2002 the Heads of State and Government of African countries replaced the OAU with the African Union (AU), and a vision of “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena.
On this occasion, are also recalled the noble ideals and principles which guided the Founding Fathers of the Continental Organization of Pan-Africanists in their determination to promote unity, solidarity, cohesion and cooperation among the peoples of Africa and African States.
In celebrating the Day, the AU which is a pro-active Organization that is trying to find African solutions to African problems, develops every year a theme. That why 2022 is the African Year of Nutrition: “Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Economic Capital Development”.
In Bulgaria, Africa Day wasn’t celebrated since 2019, due to Covid-19 pandemic, which has very quickly precipitated the most severe global economic crisis for more than a century, affecting development strategies as never before. The pandemic and even more importantly, governments’ measures, policy responses and regulations to curb its spread, have erased livelihoods on a massive scale.
The celebration of "Africa Day" 2022, which marks the 59th anniversary of the founding of the continental Organization, was an opportunity to highlight African cultural diversity in various aspects by creating, nurturing and raising awareness among the general public, on the theme of the year 2022, as well as to show African unity through activities such as bazaars, cultural artifacts, African costumes and clothing, culinary art, which will be presented to the public, in addition to a program of dances and shows that reflect African identity.
HIL!FE MEDIA GROUP extend a special gratitude to the Embassies of
The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
The Arab Republic of Egypt
The State of Libya
The Kingdom of Morocco
The Federal Republic of Nigeria
The Republic of South Africa
and the Consulates of
The Republic of Ghana
The Republic of Seychelles
The Republic of the Sudan
Georgi D. Kostov
Eng. Plamen Kolev
Georgi D. Kostov
Ilian Metodiev
Roksana Rok
Dr. Zornitza Mladenova
Eng. Plamen Kolev
Ilian Metodiev
Eng. Plamen Kolev
Dr. Zornitza Mladenova
Consultant on Digital Effects
Prof. Zlatogor Minchev
Institute of ICT, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

