David Garrett in Taipei


On 3rd September 2023.
The tickets in non-English speaking Asian countries couldn’t be purchased through on-line. I called to the promoter and he accepted. I succeeded to reservation.
During the days, triple typhoons were approached.
If I come and be in a trouble, my sailing friends should laugh me up “Since when have you become unable to do weather forecasts?
Just I wanted to say “Happy birthday“ to him, even though it would happened.
I knew where he stay.
But there is also chance that he might be with his girlfriend ?! due to celebrations.
Well, although I would say celebration, he must have no joy. Whenever I say hello, he freezes up.
More than my wish to say the words, I never see her again. As I continued to think like that, I began to lose track of why I liked him and whether I even liked him at all.
I could soon leave Taipei after the concert.
It was very lucky that we haven’t meet any troubles of strong typhoon. From June to September, it the high season.
