Daniel Itiose - Hyperreal Painter-Video Introduction

Nobel is proud to present Daniel Itiose as the first artist for this series. Daniel Itiose is a hyper-realist whose work consists of the exploration of the human condition and how it shapes and molds our appearances as individuals with a main focus on portraiture. The gaze from the subjects tells a story in silence. The distribution of marks and brushstrokes on a flat surface to create a three-dimensional subject with the help of photography while subtracting the fictitiousness that often comes with it. Rather than beautifying the subject, he illustrates them as they really are; hair, skin and pores. This latter is depicted in a very detailed fashion, due to the meticulousness involved in the process.
Please make sure to visit Daniels Website at: www.danielitioseart.com/
Also visit us at: fcart.ca
Thank you.
