CWPUC sues CENTRAL for defamation

The Collective Workers Rights Protection Union of Cambodia (CWPUC) took legal action on Thursday by filing a defamation lawsuit against a senior official from CENTRAL at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.
Hang Ravy, speaking on behalf of CWPUC, said that he and his colleagues lodged a complaint against Khun Tharo, the program manager of the Center for Labor Alliances and Human Rights (CENTRAL), on June 27.
The lawsuit was prompted by Tharo's interview with Radio Free Asia, where he accused CWPUC of being a fraudulent union. Ravy stated in the complaint that Tharo's remarks constituted defamation against CWPUC.
Approximately 100 members of CWPUC assembled for a protest in front of CENTRAL's office last Friday, following the release of a report on June 4 that highlighted ongoing challenges for Cambodian independent unions in exercising their rights due to intimidation.

