[CVPR2023] NeuralDome: A Neural Modeling Pipeline on Multi-View Human-Object Interactions

Project: juzezhang.github.io/NeuralDome/
Humans constantly interact with objects in daily life tasks. Capturing such processes and subsequently conducting visual inferences from a fixed viewpoint suffers from occlusions, shape and texture ambiguities, motions, etc. To mitigate the problem, it is essential to build a training dataset that captures free-viewpoint interactions. We construct a dense multi-view dome to acquire a complex human-object interaction dataset, named HODome, that consists of ∼71M frames on 10 subjects interacting with 23 objects. To process the HODome dataset, we develop NeuralDome, a layer-wise neural processing pipeline tailored for multi-view video inputs to conduct accurate tracking, geometry reconstruction, and free-view rendering, for both human subjects and objects. Extensive experiments on the HODome dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of NeuralDome on a variety of inference, modeling, and rendering tasks. Both the dataset and the NeuralDome tools
will be disseminated to the community for further development,
Juze Zhang*, Haimin Luo*, Hongdi Yang, Xinru Xu, Qianyang Wu, Ye Shi, Jingyi Yu, Lan Xu†, Jingya Wang†,
NeuralDome: A Neural Modeling Pipeline on Multi-View Human-Object
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
