Crypto Beware - AI Song


Got a message in my phone today
Crypto millionaire they say
Promise gold and endless fame
But I know it's just a game
[Verse 2]
Shiny coins and flashy screens
Dreams of riches money schemes
Too good to be true it seems
Don't fall for those crazy beams
Crypto beware
Scams are everywhere
Crypto beware
Keep your pockets spared
[Verse 3]
Tweets and posts they lure you in
Saying trade and you will win
But the truth lies deep within
Hidden tricks that's how they spin
Dollar signs they blind your eyes
Fake promises they disguise
Watch your steps please recognize
It's all a web of twisted lies
Crypto beware
Scams are everywhere
Crypto beware
Keep your pockets spared
Made with AI
#music #ai #song

