Crypt Crawler - My Mint Tin Dungeon Crawler Beta Playtest!


Tabletop Simulator link:
Welcome to the beta playtest of Crypt Crawler, a thrilling mint tin dungeon crawler game created by yours truly! Join me as we delve into the depths of dark crypts, battling monsters and uncovering treasures.
In this video, I'll give you a sneak peek into the gameplay mechanics and some of the exciting features of Crypt Crawler. By the end of this video, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to brave the dungeon and be one of the very first people to play Crypt Crawler!
Key Features:
- Compact mint tin size for portability
- Rich and immersive dungeon crawling experience
- Unique character abilities and equipment
- Randomized dungeon layouts for replayability
- Solo gameplay
- Tense encounters with monsters and traps
Stay tuned for more updates as I continue to refine and enhance Crypt Crawler based on valuable feedback from all of you playtesters. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon to be notified of future videos showcasing the evolution of Crypt Crawler!
Get ready to embark on an epic adventure in the palm of your hand with Crypt Crawler!

Пікірлер: 44

  • @pharbex
    @pharbexАй бұрын

    I watched your other mint tin games videos. I sent them to friends and we really enjoyed it. You have a charismatic and clear way to explain games. And about your game. I am looking foward to be able to support the kickstarter. It is trully amazing! You`ve got all the grat mechanics and put them toguether in a very clever and fun way. Congratulations! 😄👏

  • @Game-Knight


    Ай бұрын

    Thank you so much! That’s so cool! I’m glad you all are enjoying the videos. 😁 And I greatly appreciate the feedback about Crypt Crawler. 🙏 I’m going to release another update video very soon to show off the progress that’s been made. 🎲🗡🛡

  • @rafiweiss3915
    @rafiweiss39152 ай бұрын

    Note about the races and classes: you may have card number limitations but perhaps for one extra card, you can have 3 race cards double sided, and 3 class cards double sided. You’d need to come up with a new class and race to have 6 total of each. But this allows the player to still make the same choice, but not feel locked out of any combination. The current system locks the player out of Human + Rogue for example.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    That’s a great idea! I’ll likely incorporate this into the game. Keep the suggestions coming! 👏👏👏

  • @diegoteran
    @diegoteran2 ай бұрын

    This looks amazing! I'll try it out and give some feedback.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын


  • @Michael.Virtus
    @Michael.Virtus2 ай бұрын

    29:37 - Speckled Stoneplate Ring \[T]/ Great gameplay design, dude. I see the inspirations and I see your ideas which bring fresh evolution. Very impressive. The only thing I fear is that a Mint Tin is not enough for the scope of this concept and it will constrain its true potential.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    I appreciate that! I may end up doing a more fleshed out version of the game at some point. I’m very pleased though that this will all fit in a mint tin.

  • @orionblues7304
    @orionblues73042 ай бұрын

    Dude.....! Awesome game! I'm designing a similar game inspired by Jason Glover's Tin Helm's double sided card machanics but mine will be an exploration adventure game that focuses on resource management! Haven't gotten around making a BGG Wip thread yet but I've playtested quite a bit and it plays quite similar to your design, especially the one with the resolution side at the backs of dungeon maps! More power to you and best of luck with your game design! 😊

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    Thanks man! That sounds really cool! 🎲🗡🛡

  • @Matthias129
    @Matthias1292 ай бұрын

    Making this a separate comment having now play tested two games: Game 1 - Orc Warrior: Room 1 Green -> Room 2 Yellow. Died in room 2 to a Ghost. If I remember correctly the event at the bottom of the card activates when it matches the room, yes? That's how I played it anyways. Ambush spawned a Ghost, got armor from the boost card, and I was only able to bring him down a couple points before I died to fear. I couldn't remember if there was a limit on Stamina expenditure to increase damage, but if there is it wouldn't have saved me. Game 2 - Orc Warrior Jr.: Room 1 Green -> Room 2 Red. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to die to the Ghost. Boost was to health this time. After three or four rounds of combat with my fear at 5/9 I realize the Ghost has a Strength of 3. I didn't notice in Game 1, but I assume the Strength boots the Ghost's fear damage? If so, I died here. Not wanting to have played a total of four rooms in two games, I mental note the game probably actually ended there, and play on. Get a shortbow, a helmet (received floor 2 and broken floor 3), a tunic (rcvd/broken floor 3), and a health potion. Rolled for the shortbow like two more times (oof!). Died a second death when I encountered my undead father, his body bolstered by his undeath, after receiving an unfortunate scalding from some steam vents (the Orc enemy with three toughness and and 2 Strength, while I got -3 Strength for 2 rolls from the steam!). Having gone into the fight with only 1 Stamina, quickly realized I could only win if I rolled 6's for damage after the first two rolls. That obviously didn't happen! No shrines/altars encountered to gain soul gems. Overall, the one game I cheated to actually play was a lot of fun! I _did_ forget to add the second boost card to the two enemies I fought on floor two, but I don't think I would've died floor two. New thoughts after the two plays: - If Strength boosts the Ghost's fear damage, I think he might need his base Strength toned down a little. With Strength included I died in 2 or 3 rounds both games. Granted, the first game was bad luck on the ambush (if I played the events correctly! Haven't gone back through the video to check yet), and the second game the starting dungeon map I have to enter a red room as the second room to progress towards the key. Which also comes down to bad luck really, and I'm probably just salty about two, two room deaths to a Ghost, but even before starting game 2 seeing those two red rooms I knew I was in for a potentially rough ride. Leading into my next point. -Have you thought about a potential mulligan of the first floor? So, if you, say, don't want a first floor with a red as your second/third room, you can reshuffle for a different starting floor? Also the potential of having 1 or more of you maps that have "gentler" layouts as a starting floor, if you have several choices of starting floor you'd shuffle and deal one of those in setup before shuffling the rest in the deck. -For the the dungeon deck, a spacer card might not be a bad idea. Either a separate card with some artwork though that does eat more a bit more space (especially if you separate the race and class cards like someone else mentioned), or placing the shop on top of the dungeon deck. With the map layout and resolution side tied to each other someone with a better memory than I, or playing enough times, might start to piece together what's coming up based on the tile set. Putting the shop card on top will prevent that, unless that's the benefit of playing this fun game enough! ;) -Oh, I don't remember if you mentioned it in the video, but how does combat work against multiple monsters? I dodged a room that had 2 monsters in it, as I couldn't quite remember, worked in my favor though! Part of the reason I dodged, aside from the rules thing, was with armor durability being reduced per hit, two monsters spells doom for armor (with my bad rolls anyways!). -On the point of armor durability, did you mess around with armor being more encounter based than per hit? Either reducing durability per encounter flat, or only if the armor took damage? Along those same lines, if you have multiple pieces of armor and you get hit, does all equipped armor take the damage, or do you choose one? -Yeah, the step/oil thing was a total non-issue that I was definitely just pearl-clutching on! Sorry if this wall of text is a bit rambling. I wanted to play a round or two before bed, and trying to put my thoughts coherently has taken more time than I thought. But I wanted to write my thoughts down before bed or I'll forget it all. And now I'm realizing with the rules questions, you have other videos about making this game and I probably could've checked those for rules stuff. That said, I had a lot of fun (even getting my ass kicked!) and I'm looking forward to playing more, and seeing how this sweet little game evolves!

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    The event does activate if the event symbol matches the room you are in or if it matches the symbol in the top left corner of the resolution card when you push your luck. Getting ambushed by a ghost is rare, and you got incredibly unlucky. You could have either risked it, which you did, or pushed your luck and flipped the next resolution card to avoid the potential ghost ambush. You can spend up to 3 stamina each time you attack and hit an enemy. You’re not allowed to spend any more than 3 per hit. For your second game, when you entered the red room and the resolution card showed you’d have to fight a ghost, you 100% should have pushed your luck and flipped the next resolution card. Remember, you can push your luck once per room. So you can’t just keep flipping until you get something you want. But in that instance, you should have pushed your luck beings you didn’t have the gear to fight a ghost. An enemy’s strength will always inflict normal damage to your health. The ghosts 3 strength does not add to its fear damage. It will inflict fear to you depending on what it rolls AND 3 normal damage from its strength which will lower your health. A quick note about both games you played after reading the sequence of events. I’ve playtested the game MANY times and can say with complete confidence that you got astronomically unlucky. Keep in mind, I want the game to be somewhat difficult. I don’t want players to steam roll the game and get bored because it’s too easy. But in the case of the two games you played, you just got unbelievably unlucky. Entering a red room early on isn’t an issue. Good things can happen in red rooms. Sure, there are gnarly things in red rooms sometimes but remember, you can push your luck and resolve the next dungeon/resolution card. Having a mulligan rule for starting maps isn’t necessary because as mentioned, you can push your luck. That is the mechanism that resolves the issue of running into difficult rooms. Plus, there are times you’re just going to run into nasty stuff; it isn’t going to be a cake walk to get through the game. You’re going to have make tough decisions about whether or not to push your luck and tackle the contents of the room you’re in. As far as people memorizing the cards so that they know what’s coming next; I highly discourage that because it’s going to ruin the surprise and risk element of the game. That being said, there are players who love to do that type of stuff. When I started uploading Playthroughs of Tin Helm, I had a few people who would comment and say things like,”You should always skip X room because such and such is on the other side of it.” It ruins the game imo. I’d prefer the surprise of it. But some people are going to do that. If that’s how they want to do it and they enjoy that, more power to them. The others who don’t want to min max the game to win at all costs and instead enjoy the adventure and experience, those people won’t make an effort to memorize which map pertains to the outcomes on the other side of the card. If using a spacer or something to cover the cards helps you with that, feel free to do that. I won’t include it with the game most likely though. Combat against multiple monsters works like this. Let’s say the room has 1 Orc and 1 Goblin. You fight the Orc first. If you defeat him, you gain the rewards from him (XP, Soul Fragments, Gold, and Loot) and then you fight the Goblin and collect the rewards from it if you defeat it. You don’t fight them simultaneously; you fight them in the order they are listed on the resolution card. Armor durability drops when you take damage. If you have two pieces of armor, a helmet and tunic for instance, and an enemy hits you, you can apply damage to only one armor piece if the damage is low enough. Let’s say you get hit for 1 damage; you can soak up that 1 damage onto the tunic, decreasing it’s durability by 1, and your helmet does not decrease it’s durability. If you get hit for 2 damage in this same scenario, you could soak it up on the helmet only. And if you get hit for 3 or more in this scenario, you MUST soak up the damage on BOTH pieces of armor, reducing durability by 1 on BOTH. I didn’t make this clear in the video. So I’m glad you asked. Thank you for such detailed feedback. This is exactly what I was hoping for from you guys. Thank you for taking such an interest in the game and for being so helpful! I’m going to release a playthrough video in the next couple days and hopefully that will clarify some things

  • @Matthias129


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Game-Knight Yeah, I'd completely forgotten about the push your luck mechanic until _after_ the second Ghost when I used to skip the multi-combat, which I mainly just blundered headfirst into things to get a feel for how things work. Though I'll definitely have to remember for my next games! And I believe it about my luck. I'm pretty (in)famous in my social circle when it comes to luck! Thanks for the clarification on the multi-combat and the armor rules. I agree on the difficulty, and that's the fringe benefit of a solo game. If you get a doomed start you can just scoop and reset. I'm still new-ish to solo board gaming in general, so I think I just get stuck in a multiplayer mindset. In those, a bad/unlucky start (which I've seen more than my fair share lol) means you're sitting through a whole game knowing you're going to lose, though my rambling about the mulligan and starter floor isn't quite as applicable, eh?

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын’re preaching to the choir. My luck is notoriously bad as well haha. I feel your pain!

  • @rafiweiss3915
    @rafiweiss39152 ай бұрын

    Also, for combat, 2 things: - armor class and defense seem so thematically similar but mechanically different I wonder if there is a way to combine them. Like maybe how Oathsworn does it, or maybe just keep one. If you keep Armor class, maybe roll two dice at once, each a different color, so you can check both hit chance and hit damage at the same time.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    I see what you’re saying, but they are totally different mechanically and I definitely will keep both in the game. If you want to roll two dice simultaneously, you’re more than welcome to do that.

  • @rafiweiss3915


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Game-Knight Makes sense!

  • @Matthias129
    @Matthias1292 ай бұрын

    Having stumbled upon this video and not having playtested, here's my immediate thoughts: -I know you've said the design elements are still in the drafting phase, but worth mentioning just in case in slipped notice; Currently your race armor class and class exp skill unlock share the symbol. This could potentially cause some confusion further down the line. Again, I assume they'll be different later in the design process but it's easy to miss things like that when you know where/how things are already laid out. -In regard to movement off/on a dungeon level, I wonder if it might work better to have moving off a level not cost a movement. Oil seems precious based off its 5 gold price, and while I didn't read every card that you flipped, I didn't see too many ways to get it from exploration. Just doing a rough look at the dungeon maps visible, the ones I saw, with no extra exploration, were about 7-8 steps including the step out of the dungeon floor. So, you're looking at 8-9 steps to rush a floor and start the next, or about an oil per floor. That step out and step in adds up pretty fast to an oil deficit unless you're getting lucky with oil drops. Spending one step to move out of one floor and onto the next might keep runs from dying just because you didn't get an early oil and dying to the attrition because you need to search for oil and dying to fear. -On that note, if you don't have a rule for it already rule for it, if you have 0 oil, and you find one, maybe reset the steps to 0 as well? Avoid a situation where you find a fuel at 8-9 steps and it almost immediately goes away with no effect? You can ignore this if you don't increase the step counter if you're at 0 oil, but wanted to add this note as I thought about it while typing at the step/oil ratio thing. -Loot rolls already having the other side; I wonder if it might be balanced to give gold if you miss getting an item because you already have the other side. Say, 1 gold for Common, 2 for Uncommon, and 3 for Rare. That way you still get _something_ for loot, and mitigates someone constantly rolling the same 3 Common they can't get, at least have the potential to turn those rolls into something at a shop? -Starting weapons, I have two thoughts for how to do it but going to put them both here since this is already getting a little big; If you want to do racial starting weapons, you can possibly shrink the stat icons a smidge and put it at the bottom of the card. For class starting weapons, I think you could move the class exp number to, say, beside the ability name (left or right) at a similar size font which would allow you to squeeze the abilities a little closer together, and can put the starting weapon at the top or bottom of the card. These ideas assume not having artwork for the starter weapons, but I'd rather have cool artwork for the snazzy loot than a depiction of my rusty dagger anyways. =p And, if you do racial starting weapons you can just include them in the cards art. -Last minute thought here, but since you're using double sided cards just popped into my head; If you don't have a use for the other side of the shop card yet, possibly like a rules/turn reminder card? Like you sometimes see in board games that give you a little refresher of things like symbols and such. Since you don't technically need the shop visible 100% of the time, might not be a bad thing. Looking forward to testing this out soon!

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    First off, thanks for watching and commenting! I’ll address each of your points. -This is a valid point. I will definitely have a different way of displaying those values so there’s no confusion. Keep in mind, this is a very early mock up of the game. This is by no means what it will look like in it’s final form. Many things will change. -Your second point about movement is something I’ve already considered. I’ve playtested the game extensively. It’s never been an issue to require a movement to move out of a level. I highly recommend playtesting the game for yourself because a lot of assumptions that are easy to make without playing will likely play out differently once you give it a shot. I think I’ve lost to getting too much fear a single time. So if anything, it probably needs to be tweaked more in the other direction than you’re suggesting. Plenty of the dungeon/resolution cards contain oil that you can pick up. Again, I’d just give the game a go and a lot of those things will become more clear. -I forgot to mention it in the video, but this is actually exactly how it works. When you’re at 0 oil and you find oil, it resets your steps to 0. -This is a neat idea and I’ll take it into consideration. -The idea you have for starting weapons is really good! I’ll fiddle around with that and see what I can come up with. Very cool idea. -Putting a reference on the opposite side of the shop is a great idea. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for all of the input! I appreciate you taking the time to be so thoughtful and offer your feedback. 🎲🗡🛡

  • @Matthias129


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Game-Knight Yeah, the design thing was more of a "Don't forget this" as opposed to a "You're doing it wrong" thing, coming from someone who forgets little stuff like that all the time! I like getting these reminders, so golden rule and all that. And apologies if it sounded like I was saying the steps thing was bad/broken. It was more of a knee-jerk reaction to the feel of it than based on any empirical evidence. Should've made it more clear that it was such! That said, I've got the TTS game ready to go now so looking forward to sinking my teeth in, and seeing how the game develops from here!

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Matthias129 No worries! I greatly appreciate all feedback. I took no offense. 🙂🎲🗡🛡

  • @DannyWelch
    @DannyWelch22 күн бұрын

    Look forward to adding this to my mint tin collection when completed. Nice mix of mechanics.

  • @Game-Knight


    22 күн бұрын

    Thanks, man! I’m very eager to finish it! 🎲🗡🛡

  • @GoblinHourGames
    @GoblinHourGames2 ай бұрын

    Looks like a good time and fun design. Looking forward to trying it out and seeing how it evolves. Goodluck!

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    Thanks, dude!

  • @mitchjoynt5262
    @mitchjoynt526212 күн бұрын

    Hey mate this looks like a great game, love the middle ground it seems to have between tin realm and iron helm. Couple of suggestions -Races could have a starting weapon on them so you dont need any extra cards but it provides a bit of extra variety? Or have 1 double sided starting weapon card with a weapon at the top and the bottom and you slide the weapon card underneath your race card only revealing the one weapon you have choosen that way you get 4 starting weapons using only a single card - i think the shop room colour is a cool idea, i couldnt really tell how the game is balanced but are red rooms generally harder than green rooms? If they arnt the shop balance might be better if each room only had 3 items but each had a specialty so maybe health is cheaper in red rooms but still sells food and poison and poison is cheaper in green rooms but still sells food and health and yellow is middle price for everything but the only place to buy oil (just random suggestions so you get the idea)

  • @Game-Knight


    11 күн бұрын

    Thank you! I really like your idea about the starting items. I may implement this. It’s a great idea! Red rooms are typically harder. The shop works perfectly the way it is now but I appreciate the suggestion.

  • @rafiweiss3915
    @rafiweiss39152 ай бұрын

    I hope these comments don’t seem critical, but I love brainstorming game design! I also wonder if you can condense your statuses, so say all 3 were represented by a red, green and purple die respectively. And they tick down each turn and have different effects. Burn stays the same, but poison reduces your health each turn, and fear makes you spend more footsteps faster.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    I don’t think you’re being critical. I appreciate and want the feedback. Those ideas are major changes to the game and something I will take into consideration but highly doubt I’ll implement. It’s starting to sound like a different game at that point. My motto is if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. If there was a fundamental flaw with the current mechanics, I could see changing it, but those ideas seem more like changing things just for the sake of it.

  • @rafiweiss3915


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Game-Knight Fair enough! Those were just some ideas that popped into my head. Definitely stick to what's working!

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    I really appreciate the feedback and ideas! My intention is not to discourage you from offering ideas. I particularly like your idea about having the 3 race and 3 class cards double sided. I appreciate you!

  • @SchizoidPersonoid
    @SchizoidPersonoid2 ай бұрын

    I may have missed it in the video, but what do you do in the event of a speed tie? also, does the mage's additional strength add to the burn from his roll, or just get dealt as regular damage?

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    When the speed is a tie, the enemy attacks first. When an enemy has strength, it’s dealt as normal damage. So the mage can burn you and also deal normal damage with his strength stat.

  • @SchizoidPersonoid


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Game-Knight cool. the back of my Troll card is blank and I assume that's where the Ooze should be cause I can't find it.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    @@SchizoidPersonoid Try reloading the game. That’s odd. I’ll double check and make sure it’s there.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    I just checked and the ooze is there. You should reload and let me know if it’s still doing the same thing.

  • @SchizoidPersonoid


    2 ай бұрын

    @@Game-Knight Tried relaunching, unsubsribing then resubscribing, verified game files, and nothing worked. The card also just floats if I pull it out of the deck. It won't drop onto the table.

  • @darcksage1
    @darcksage12 ай бұрын

    can't find it on the workshop.

  • @Game-Knight


    2 ай бұрын

    Click the link in the description. It’s currently unlisted.
