Crown chakra 963 Hz fully charged

Crown chakra - 963 Hz
This chakra is all about spiritual connection and transformation. It lifts and inspires you, connecting you to the divine (you might call this angelic energy, the Source, or God. This chakra also gives you a sense of your own divinity, the awareness that you are a soul in a human body.
When your crown chakra is blocked, you may experience some mental signs, including: Confusion. A lack of connection to the world. Hyper spiritualization (i.e., too much meditation)
Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms
* Lack of purpose.
* Depression.
* Inability to focus.
* Confusion and indecisiveness.
* Disconnection from your spiritual self.
Seven Ways to Activate and Unblock the Crown Chakra
1. Guided Meditation. Most people don't even know they have a crown chakra, let alone how to open it. ...
2. Breathing Exercises. ...
3. Visualization. ...
4. Mantra Repetition. ...
5. Essential Oils. ...
6. Connect with Nature. ...
7. Yoga.
Stones for Crown Chakra are - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Selenite, Lepidolite, Howlite, Labradorite, Sugilite, White Agate, Fluorite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Charoite, White Calcite,
