Crittals Corner Roundabout A223 to A20(W)

This route is from the A223 (from the Ruxley Roundabout) to the Crittals Corner Roundabout heading towards the A20 (W) Central London, Bromley & Chislehurst. At the time of this recording, the road markings were not very good (and that is somewhat of an understatement in many areas right now!), especially on the left bend after passing Tesco's (not shown here). In fact, the give-way lines after this bend are virtually non-existent, as is a GIVE WAY sign!
After bearing right toward Crittals Corner roundabout stay in the left lane. Once on the roundabout head towards the middle lane where there is a faint marking A20 (W). If you pause the video around 24 seconds you can just about make out this road marking (the sun doesn't help).
The way I approach this is to keep in the lane signed A20 (W) which then guides you into what becomes the left-hand lane to leave the roundabout. I know many drivers (and learners) stay in the middle lane and then cut across when nearing the exit but this has its obvious problems, i.e. traffic coming from the left-hand lane beside you from the same direction as well as traffic entering from the A224 (from Orpington).
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