CrashPad Story Time - Chapter 1: Moose Drag Show


It's CrashPad Story time! The community builds the story 3 words at a time over a week and I read it live, seeing it for the first time, every Tuesday night. This is the first of many chapters so far...
Join the Discord to add to the weekly story -
The original, written story from Discord:
It was a dark and stormy night in Dacana. I was lost in a jungle where there is hippos and gators inside every cracker jack box. I could find a golden ticket lay hidden underneath rocks on the bottom of the ravine at the Disneyland Animal Kingdom. We always play polly’s precarious platypus where the rules are perfectly perplexing but equally pleasing, but still frustratingly as they have reversed time in the late stages of bronchitis pizza that tasted like cheesy sardines with a dash of franks’ red hot with a tickle from a [little person's] maple syrup stash.
I stole a pot of gold that looks old and actually is a very expensive caviar set. Crash was really pumped up about trying to hold his excitement about it, mouthwatering little beads of orange and green drool like splendor of youth trying to escape as he shouted “damn it Pixy, why did you eat my sammies. I was saving them for the Sammie convention next week in beautiful Paris; whilst playing Doom in VR. Everyone was going to rip and tear the demons”. Until they learn that the almighty PIXY IS KING until he isn’t, but if he keeps conquering his fears of chocolate when all he wanted was oats he’ll enter into his final form. Mega Pixy Crash and become the only Canadian left for all eternity, till the maple was all drank.
He stumbled to the corner of Twitch ave south drunk holding a unicorn made of string cheese confetti and purple bears. The best combinations only found in the mushroom kingdom, where the toads boasted wild claims that ‘if you gave them a golden Sammie you must achieve by eating a nutshot uncooked and salted with a spicy boiled mountain dew with a side of Worcestershire sauce covered Swedish meatballs. Only then would the journey begin’.
Later that night by the blood of great firelord Ozai seeped several small unbridled gnomes rage that smelled slightly of black lung and a mild prostitution with them there the sky turned a slight opaque blood red tinge, the village idiot Harry Crash Potter shouted very softly “Not my beans”. The village leader quietly stepped back and looked wondering “why can’t I find his beans? To be mine or maybe his or neither if no beans none be my bride or husband maybe”. The sexual tension is very tense a story for after hour nights when the kids went out to get the ginger beer soda mug from the freezer to enjoy the cold sweet secret pineapple durian cocktail.
Crash then walked drunkenly towards the crowded street of Brooklyn nine nine where the city is dark and grim with a chance of meatballs. The four way happened in room 8675309 down stairs where the undercover cops had a massive sting operation in took the chump change from locals from robbing the 7-11 on I-50. Little boys school needed new volunteers to test easy going individuals who love the smell of rotten sammies and poppy diapers of alligator variety lined with coke and a hint of plutonium nyborg and yellow two birds with one massive pentagonal boulder aside from that he got the ribfest ribs slathered with the best BBQ sauce in within 1 mile of the greatest moose musical extravaganza with the best moose drag show and Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis specialist. Any audience would kill for Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis since Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis can and will lead toward a happy thirty two filled Implosion of several small species of anonymoose like creatures disturbingly draped in and identifiably by twelve foot horns, a third nipple and a small unforgettable surge of sparkle ponies power, sprouting rainbows from it’s flux capacitor. Only to re-appear as Savathun’s ghost otherwise known as Savatoon or Savathicc because of his badonk a donk however, historians will always have Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia mixed up with a small milkshake too small to dip cookies in and therefor; left. Leaving behind his Ribfest ribs sub from the greatest dessert palace on the island from some anime over whatchamacallit valley in down under land thingymajig by the thingamabob exhibit near shenanigans river walk and snorkel murderhouse of massive sharks and big flippers to flap with or cause tiny ants to get motion sickness.

