CQE Exam - 17 Tips to Convince Your Company to Pay for Training and Certification

Nervous about asking your boss to pay for CQE Certification???
Here are 17 tips to help you convince your company to pay for CQE Training.
Because that conversation can be awkward or uncomfortable, but it doesn’t have to be.
1:03 - Tip #1 - Assume your boss wants you to grow and be successful
1:50 - Tip #2 - Read the CQE Body of Knowledge, and understand how that relates to your job
2:22 - Tip #3 -Understanding the pain points in your business
3:00 - Tip #4 - Have a separate, honest conversation with your boss about your development needs
3:42 - Tip #5 - Ask your boss about their own career
4:42 - Tip #6 - Look around for other people in training
5:31 - Tip #7 - Show the value of past training
6:32 - Tip #8 - Remember, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
7:12 - Tip #9 - Focus the conversation on the benefits to the business
7:57 - Tip #10 - Do not let your existing responsibilities slip while you become a CQE
9:26 - Tip #11 - Offer to share what you’re learning with your peers
10:15 - Tip #12 - Have the details of the training program ready to share
10:48 - Tip #13 - Re-assure your boss that you’re in for the long haul
11:28 - Tip #14 - Be gracious and grateful no matter how your boss responses
12:12 - Tip #15 - Remember, it’s not an ALL or NOTHING decision
12:50 - Tip #16 - Don’t delay your growth and development if your company says no
13:38 - Tip #17 - Don’t skip asking just because you’re nervous!
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