Could the Parasitic Fungus in "The Last of Us" TV Series Infect Humans in Real World?

Knowing the fact that Ophiocordyceps is existing in real-world, creep us out. All the more on how it was depicted in the popular 2013 action-adventure video game which were adopted into a television series "The Last of Us" as parasatic fungus that takes over the world by infecting humans and turning them into a flesh-eating monsters. But Scientists investigated the possibility of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis to infect human, and laid out in dire detail that it is not likely to evolve to cause infections in humans in the future, because these fungus are so specialized, that manipulation of host' behavior only occurs in a host-specific manner. Individual species of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis could only infect and in turn control behavior of a single species of ant. Hence, there is nothing to fear, because even scientists aren’t worried that one day a parasitic fungus might invade our world and zombify us, it would take millions of years of genetic changes for a fungus to mutate to infect mammals, which makes it impossible for the time being.
