Costa Victoria - Stateroom 80228

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Cruzeiro Costa Victoria - 24 a 31 Outubro de 2009
Portos Escala: Veneza, Ancona, Santorini, Mykonos, Pireus/Atenas, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Veneza
24/10/2009 - Veneza (Itália)
Cabine 80228
Veneza: a cidade da arte, da melancolia e do prestígio: este extraordinário cenário arquitectónico se ergue sobre um arquipélago de pequenas ilhas, separadas por uma rede de canais que se podem atravessar por aproximadamente 400 pontes, antigamente de madeira e mais tarde substituídas por outras de pedra, todas em forma de arco. O canal principal, que forma a maior artéria da cidade, é o célebre Canal Grande: atravessado por 3 grandes pontes, tem o formato de um gigantesco S de ponta cabeça e divide a cidade em duas partes desiguais, por sua vez subdivididas em seis bairros: Cannaregio, São Marco e Castelo na margem esquerda, Santa Cruz, São Paulo e Dorsoduro à direita do canal. A viabilidade aquática do canal, com gôndolas, barquinhos, pequenos vapores, lanchas, barcaças que servem de táxi e meios de transporte para pessoas e mercadorias, prevalece decididamente sobre o sistema de circulação terrestre, constituído por poucas ruas principais e uma confusão de atalhos, estreitos e tortuosas, que se desenrolam entre canais, rios, campos (praças adjacentes às igrejas), campanários, fundamentos (ruas que margeiam os canais) que quase nunca são percorridas por carros ou motos.
Música: Instrumental
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Costa Victoria Cruise - 24 to 31 October 2009
Ports: Venice - Ancona - Santorini - Mykonos - Piraeus/Athens - Corfu - Dubrovnik - Venice
24/10/2009 - Venice (Italy)
Cabin 80228
Venice is considered the city of art, romance and prestige. The extraordinary architecture was built on an archipelago of small islands separated by a network of canals crossed by approximately 400 bridges, once wooden and then replaced by stone.
The Grand Canal is the main city artery. It is crossed by three bridges and has the shape of an upside down S dividing the city in two parts and in their turn divided into six sestieri (districts): Cannaregio, San Marco and Castello on the left side; Santa Croce, San Polo and Dorsoduro on the right side of the canal. Water transport undoubtedly prevails over land travel, with gondolas, ships, ferries, and yachts serving as taxis to transport people and goods. There are few main roads and several small calli (narrow streets) developed along canals, campi (squares adjacent to churches), bell towers and fondamenta (streets along the canals) where motor vehicles are not allowed. Refugees from Spina Adria and Aquileia after the invasion of the Huns in the 5th century AD founded Venice.
The Doge under the protection of the Byzantine Empire governed it by maritime tribunes and later. In the 9th century the city became a very important commercial port, connecting the eastern and western markets through the Adriatic Sea. Its commercial power soon resulted in military power. Within a few years, Venice dominated all the east Adriatic coast, reaching the East, colonising the territories and conquering important markets, competing with Genoa and with the other Maritime Republics to assert its power.
The Turks chased the Venetians from many eastern colonies. The repercussions of the French Revolution affected this perfect aristocratic government where commerce and military power supported each other. In 1797 Venice was weak and after the Campoformio treaty, it was subject to Austria and subsequently annexed by Italy. The Grand Canal, offers a quick view of the most beautiful palaces in Venice: the Academia, the Cà d'Oro, the Casino, the palace of the Biennial, the University, the Chiesa della Salute and the popular Rialto bridge, up to Piazza San Marco where the canal opens into a wide area.
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