Constitution making process of constitution of pakistan 1973 in urdu and hindi / Legal studies

Drafting of constitution of 1973 in urdu
Constitution making process of constitution of pakistan 1973 in urdu and hindi
the Assembly was summoned in April 1972 on the basis of the 1970 election results i
A committee was set up from a cross-section of politicians from different parties
There were disagreements within the committee to whether the new constitution should bring in parliamentary rule or a presidential system of government. Legal studies
there were also differing views over the question of provincial autonomy.
It took the constitutional committee eight months before it submitted it's report on 10th April 1973
The draft constitution was passed by the federal Assembly by 135 votes in favour, with three abstentions.
It was brought into force on 14th August 1973, and Bhutto was elected prime minister by the National Assembly on 12th August
After coming to power, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto invited the leaders of the parliamentary parties to meet him on October 17, 1972, which resulted in an agreement known as the 'constitutional accord'
he National Assembly of Pakistan appointed a 25-member committee,
Mahmud Ali Kasuri was the elected chairman of the committee
On October 20, 1972, the draft bill for the constitution was signed by leaders of all parliamentary groups in the National Assembly
A bill to provide a constitution for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was introduced in the assembly on February 2, 1973. The assembly passed the bill nearly unanimously on April 10, 1973 and it was endorsed by the acting President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on April 12, 1973.
On the same day, Bhutto took over as the prime minister and Choudhary Fazal-e-Elahi as the president.
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constitution of pakistan 1973
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