Conflict Resolution in LGBTQ | IamClinic

Join us for an enlightening discussion on conflict resolution within LGBTQ+ relationships. In this video, we explore effective strategies and insights to navigate conflicts that may arise within the LGBTQ+ community.
0:00 Introduction
0:04 Conflict resolution needs a fully functioning brain
0:08 Staying calm is key to resolving conflict
0:13 Take a break if needed to lower stress response
0:18 Fight/flight/freeze reduces rational thinking
0:23 Stress impairs error blocking and word formation
0:28 Important faculties "freeze" at peak stress
0:34 Stopping to breathe keeps rational centers functioning
0:39 Staying calm keeps error blocking intact
0:44 Calmness enables proper word production
0:48 You can then resolve conflicts maturely and calmly
