composer Mozart | The most famous classical masterpieces of Mozart of the 18th century 🎧🎧


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composer Mozart | The most famous classical masterpieces of Mozart of the 18th century 🎧🎧
Have you ever listened to classical music by Mozart?
Otherwise, you are missing out on one of humanity's most valuable cultural assets. Mozart is one of the greatest composers of all time, composing more than 600 pieces of music during his short life. Mozart's works span many different genres: from opera, symphony, concerto, sonata to sacred and chamber music. Mozart's works not only have high artistic value, but also deeply influenced many later composers such as Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert and many others.
In this video you will get acquainted with the best works of Mozart, works that cannot be ignored when talking about classical music.
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❤️I hope the best for you and your family.

