Comparative test in low light - Canon EOS M6 vs Canon EOS M6 mk2

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Comparative test for filming in low light, made between two generations of the Canon EOS M6 mirrorless.
In the test I used the same settings for both cameras, respectively: Neutral, WB 3000K, 1080P, 50fps, electronic stabilization off.
I filmed simultaneously, using two Sigma lenses with close focal points: Sigma EF-M 16mm f1.4 on EOS 6M and Sigma EF 18-35mm f1.8, with an adapter from EF to EF-M, with the zoom set to 18mm .
I did the tests for the "dangerous zone" of ISO 800-6400 sensitivity. At lower ISO, this test was pointless, as it is known that the image is quite good, and at ISO higher than 6400, we all know what happens in the case of cameras with an APS-C sensor.
Test comparativ pentru filmarea in lumina slaba, realizate intre doua generatii ale mirrorlessului Canon EOS M6.
La test am folosit aceleasi setari la ambele camere, respectiv: Neutral, WB 3000K, 1080P, 50fps, stabilizarea electronica oprita.
Am filmat simultan, folosind doua obiective Sigma cu focale apropiate: Sigma EF-M 16mm f1.4 pe EOS 6M si Sigma EF 18-35mm f1.8, cu adaptor de la EF la EF-M, cu zoom-ul setat la 18mm.
Am facut incercarile pentru "zona periculoasa" a sensibilitatii ISO 800-6400. La ISO mai mic nu avea rost acest test, stiut fiind ca imaginea este destul de buna, iar la ISO mai mare de 6400 stim cu totii ce se intampla in cazul camerelor cu senzor APS-C.

