Company Profile Javaniska Elflora

Company Profile: Javaniska Elflora
Name: Javaniska Elflora
Founded: 2017
Location: Indonesia
Industry: Plant Exporter
Specialization: Exporting rare and native Indonesian plants
Javaniska Elflora is a premier plant exporter based in Indonesia, founded in 2017. We specialize in providing unique and rare Indonesian plants to markets worldwide. Our expert cultivation techniques and commitment to quality make us a trusted name in the industry.
Mission and Vision
Our mission is to share the beauty and diversity of Indonesian flora with the world, ensuring sustainable and ethical practices. We envision becoming a global leader in the export of exotic plants, promoting environmental sustainability and biodiversity.
Products and Services
We offer a wide range of rare and exotic plants.
Our services include expert cultivation, international shipping, and customized plant selection.
Cultivation and Sustainability
At Javaniska Elflora, we employ advanced cultivation techniques to ensure the highest quality plants. We are dedicated to sustainability, adhering to legal export regulations and promoting biodiversity through responsible practices.
Market and Distribution
Our primary markets include America, Europe, and Asia. We utilize efficient and reliable distribution channels to ensure our plants reach clients in pristine condition.
Phone: +6281222901155
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/ @javaniskaelflora
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