Cofiwch Dryweryn: 150 examples globally (including the Falklands).

Welcome to this special edition of the Cofiwch Dryweryn map updates, as the total number of recorded examples passed 150. New additions to the map include the repainted example in Llanrhystud, as well as examples in Liverpool and the Falkland Islands.
If you know of any examples that are not on the map, or that might have disappeared, please do get in touch with a comment below.
Map link:

Пікірлер: 25

  • @richardrae5049
    @richardrae5049 Жыл бұрын

    I have been aware of the events that took place all that time ago and now I am entering my middle fifties my interest is increasing, I am heartened to see the example in the school in Glynneath as I was not aware of it. I was born and raised in Glynneath and attended that school until I was 11 (the mural was not there at the time). Thank you for this video as it has helped to further my appreciation of our heritage and modern background,it's a shame some people in the comments find it easier to complain than do a little reading, or as we would say in school 'twpsyn iawn'.

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    Ah thank you for the support and interest. It's been a really interesting project to monitor. There have been few new additions recently, but there have been a lot of examples repainted, given a fresh lick of paint and restored, very much in the tradition of the very first mural. As for some of the other comments, I suspect they know full well about the mural movement and are here only to rattle some cages 😁

  • @stevie-ray2020
    @stevie-ray2020 Жыл бұрын

    What was so disgusting was the horrible way they went about usurping the valley and its water from Wales! As this dam was really just used as a means to regulate the flow down the River Dee where they pumped the water out, treated it, then pumped it to Liverpool, they could've achieved the same result by one or more weirs over the border in England, but that would've cost more in compensation, and cost votes!

  • @Baddroneflying
    @Baddroneflying Жыл бұрын

    So, dont know if this is the right place or not, but i have been looking at one of the "cofiwch dryweryn" maps, and it shows the clwb y bont one, but not the one i the cwn/quarry that looks down over the Pontypridd railway station

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    Hi Sam - if there are gaps I'm very happy to hear about them. The project was/is very much crowd sourced, so if its not been drawn to my attention I won't have included it. If you've got a pin drop location and an image, I'll very happily add it to the map. Let me know if there is a social media platform of choice to share information on.

  • @Baddroneflying


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drdavehowell I will try and get a good pindrop location and photos over the weekend!

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    @@Baddroneflying brilliant, much appreciated! Looking forward to it - when it comes in I'll do a check over the other murals which I can access, and with the wider community, and maybe do an update video (if there are significant changes/additions).

  • @Baddroneflying


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drdavehowell what is the best social media for you, so I can send you photos, and pin location. I use here, Facebook, and Reddit mainly, as well as email

  • @mlcoti
    @mlcoti Жыл бұрын

    Does not show my hand tattoo either and I live in New Zealand lol

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    If you can promise to stay in one place and never move around, you can go on the map 😁

  • @mlcoti


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drdavehowell been here twenty years plus this is home no intent on leaving. Will send evidence of tattoo if you have email

  • @ThomasCassonActor
    @ThomasCassonActor Жыл бұрын

    Oooo this is a great video

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    Many thanks - cool to see them pop in the Falklands.

  • @ThomasCassonActor


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drdavehowell have you ever read any Martin Johnes' work? He addresses the 'three types of Welsh' which I think would explain some of the push back you have evidenced. As a person from Flintshire where the census report shows nearly half the county's population here is English here I have to believe that is a factor. Although id be surprised they even knew what it was.

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ThomasCassonActor yeah I know Martin and am familiar with his work on identity in this area, and yes, that likely does play a part. Think you can see some clear identity correlations with where the murals are visible, and where they are contested - last year I was writing a book chapter exploring the relationship between the murals and contested borderlands between Wales and England - a good argument to be made on that theme.

  • @501sqn3
    @501sqn3 Жыл бұрын

    What the fk is this about???🤷

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    Do you want to be more specific? I mean, it seems fairly self explanatory - it's a map of a specific type of mural around the world. What else can I help you with?

  • @501sqn3


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drdavehowell I think that if you already know what it is about then it may not come over like a conversation that you missed the beginning of. I can see that it is something to do with a map of wales and various signs painted on random structures which are written in welsh possibly?, And therefore indecipherable to the vast majority of the population!. Why do these signs exist?, What do they say?, What do they mean?. None of that is dealt with in the podcast itself or your comment!. I suspect, though I don't know for sure?, That all this may have something to do with some sort of campaign for welsh independence or anti English movement etc?, If so, then I have no interest in it all , and do not require any further information about it thanks.

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    @@501sqn3 So this video is from one of a series that I occasionally add to and update - probably the key starting and contextual video is this one: I doubt they would be indecipherable - 'cofiwch' is just the word for 'remember' and is a pretty common word of reference in Wales, while 'Dryweryn' is a place name. I'm confused why you would ask so many questions, and then dismiss the detail out of hand based on whether or not the content aligns with your own (presumably) political interests? Surely it's better to learn something from any form of cultural expression or protest, than to just ignore it - how is anything learnt with that sort of approach?

  • @501sqn3


    Жыл бұрын

    @@drdavehowell No, no, you haven't assimilated what I said. So, just once more;- Initially the meaning of the podcast isn't clear. On reading your previous posts, there is a hint, no more, that the painted signs randomly placed throughout Wales, and written in welsh, are something to do with some sort of protest or local mythology etc. That became my best guess! In absence of any clear, constructive information, a position that hasn't altered. The reason I posed some questions about it was because it was/is annoyingly ambiguous . Quoting the English translation to a couple of words written in welsh isn't particularly enlightening and I can't say I agree that those few words in a somewhat obscure, minority language are "commonly" used and heard!. As I have previously said,- by now, I believe that the post has a connection with a campaign/ protest for welsh independence and/or anti English racist rhetoric?. And, if that is so, I have no desire or need to hear or read any more about it. No offense intended, but I already know all I need to know, or want to know on that particular subject. Ok?……… Thanks.

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    @@501sqn3 there was a great news story the other week, revealing that Welsh is in the top 7% of languages spoken globally - out of some 6000, so the 'minority' line you are spinning is somewhat outdated. Apologies if you found the video to be unclear - really, the title highlights that this is looking at the 'mapping' of 'murals' focused on the 'Cofiwch Dryweryn' movement, I'm not sure it could be much clearer, but notes taken for the future. Given the lack of clarity that you took from the title, one wonders what compelled you to click and watch in the first place? Or do you have a tendency to pursue videos, the content of which is ambiguous and/or confusing to you? Struggling to make sense of your motivations here? There's also, still, this willful ignorance thing going on - why would you not want to learn more about something. Are you Welsh? Live in Wales? Socially/culturally this should be relevant to you, regardless of political inclinations. Understanding social protest forms is a good way of learning lessons and making positive moves forwards on social cohesion, surely a good thing no?

  • @johndavies1336
    @johndavies1336 Жыл бұрын

    What is this man on about? He has not explained what the object of this Gobbledegook - what is this protest movement really about??? How is it possible to rant on about “ an undefined object” that has not been contextualized. Who is this joker? Is he sick or completely unable to express himself.???

  • @drdavehowell


    Жыл бұрын

    Heya John, there are a series of videos in this channel that elaborate on the nature and history of the Cofiwch Dryweryn movement, happy to send you in that direction if it would help with your confusion on that matter.
