City of Lathrup Village. DDA Directors Meeting. March 15, 2024.

A. 2024 02 16 Board of Directors Minutes.
B. February 2024 Financial Reports.
C. Committee Reports - 2024 02 15 Promotions, 2024 03 05 LVMF.
D. March 2024 Code Enforcement Report.
E. FY 23/24 March Budget Amendments.
F. Cost - Share Agreement with RCDF.
G. 2024 - 2027 Landscape and Maintenance - Bid Contract
H. Sign Grant Application - 27411 Southfield Road.
I. 2024 Spring Flower Purchase.
J. 2024 Tree Purchase for DTE Energy Tree Grant.
K. Promotional Items Purchase.
L. 2024 March CED report.
