Chuck Pierce: Stirring the Anointing, Plowing Through, and Healing the Land

Chuck Pierce: Stirring the Anointing, Plowing Through, and Healing the Land
Chuck speaks at Healing Rooms of Santa Maria Valley, CA, on 11/22/2019
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I know, I Feel that. Did you feel when that breaker anointing came in here?
That was just, that was so awesome.
Because this journey has been, a, really interesting.
We've had our moments to
press through to get where we need to be.
Matter of fact, Dutch got to the airport this morning,
his flight had canceled.
We were in San Diego last night.
And so he, he realized after waiting, he had to drive.
So let's thank God he pressed through to get here.
Two weeks ago I,
spoke because the Lord spoke to me.
I was back at our place and,
which I haven't been there too much this year,
this has been a very interesting year, 560,000 miles so far.
Yeah, it is interesting.
But I was there, and the Lord spoke to me on Friday
and said it's time to be healed.
And, ah, so I just assumed the Lord was telling me
He wanted to speak on Sundays.
So, Robert Heidler, of course,
who is such an awesome teacher worldwide, but he
he's teaching a new series that the Lord has spoken to us.
And so, I said you do the first service
and I'll do the second service.
And I did a time to be healed the spirit of God
healing broke out everywhere.
And then I realized I had stirred something up
you know how you just realize some way or another
I poked a beehive or something
and we continued to have to go and keep moving.
And as we've been on this journey
which I'm about to show you Aaron, whenever you're ready
I'm ready to show how the Lord has been moving.
Last year the Lord told us to go
across America this year. And several reasons,
and Dutch hopefully will explain that to you, but.
This year is key to pave the way for our future.
And on January the third my daughter,
who lives in California here called me and said
have you heard anything the Lord saying this year?
And I usually start my year at Rosh Hashanah every year,
I've been doing that since I was 19 years old.
And so I don't usually always ask the Lord
at the beginning of the year, each year
or our calendar year about what all he's saying
because I've been seeking him since Rosh Hashanah.
And, but I knew I needed to ask him about this year.
And so I said, Lord, what are you saying about 2019?
And he said plow through it.
So that said to me, there was go going to be a lot
of old ground that needed to be broken up.
It was going to be a lot of seeds that needed
to come to aeration so they would spring up.
I grew up on lots of acreage and
one of the things we would have to do is
determine which field we were going to plow,
determine what we were going to sew in that field.
And then we would proceed with the process
of causing the land to come into a new level of fruition.
And so, I knew that the Lord was saying this year
you had to move through so that we would
see this land shift in a new way.
You can notice up here, here's where we've been.
You just turned yellow yesterday and today.
Let's thank God for California now.
And we lack one other gathering
of which will be the week after Thanksgiving, in Colorado.
And we feel like this year the Lord has done what,
he's asked us, we've done what he's asked us to do this year
preparing for the change of
us moving into a whole new season and a whole new era ahead.
So, it's been really interesting.
You can look up there's been four places
we knew we had to do two meetings.
One of those was, Texas because of there's
certain places that are a stronghold that need to shift.
Another place that we did two were, was Washington.
Because we knew we needed to go to the healing rooms.
We knew it was significant this year, for a time to plow
to hit into the healing movement for the future.
And I'm not sure I fully realized we would be here
with you, Rick and Lori, when we were there with Cal.
And so, that was close to the beginning of us
doing this journey. And now we're here
and it's like, the Lord has said clearly
you are plowing up the next move of healing in this land.
People like you, who are, so called to healing.
And one of the things you see once the
apostolic church arises and we come into a new order.
You have first apostles, second prophets, third teachers.
Then you have miracle workers and healers.
And I feel like the closer we get to God's government coming
in order, in this land, in his key kingdom people,
the closer we get to unlocking the next move
of the miracle workers and the healers.
And so I believe this meeting is very significant
as we gather here, not only for the west in California.
As you've seen, we progressed through the nation
