ChuChu TV

Fussy Cussly :
Cussly was a fussy little boy.
He complained about everything.
Cussly’s mother came up with an idea.
She spoke to Chuchu and Cussly’s other friends.
Cussly’s mother then asked Cussly to invite his friends home.
Cussly invited all his friends.
He then baked cookies and made chocolate milkshakes.
Soon, Cussly’s friends came by.
Cussly then brought out the cookies and milkshakes.
Everyone took a cookie and a milkshake.
But to Cussly’s surprise, they all started grumbling.
My milkshake isn’t milky.
After Cussly’s friends’ left, Cussly went up to his mother.
I’m never going to fuss or grumble again.
Cussly’s mother’s idea had worked.
Cussly never fussed again.

