Chosen Ones BEWARE, 7 Signs People Are Using You

In today's video, we uncover seven subtle yet crucial signs that someone might be using you, draining your energy, and hindering your spiritual mission. These signs often manifest in behaviors that seem friendly or benign but, upon closer inspection, reveal patterns of exploitation and manipulation. By identifying these red flags, you can take proactive steps to safeguard your light and ensure your spiritual path remains clear and bright.
Your radiance serves as a beacon for yourself and others, making it essential to recognize when someone with impure intentions is taking advantage of your kindness. If you've ever felt drained, doubted your intuition, or struggled with boundaries, this video is your guide to reclaiming your energy and protecting your spiritual gifts.
Join us as we explore:
1. The common sign of people only reaching out when they need something.
2. The insidious behavior of downplaying your achievements.
3. The exhausting impact of energy vampires.
4. The importance of respecting and enforcing your boundaries.
5. The self-centeredness of those who make everything about themselves.
6. The betrayal of disappearing when you need support.
7. The damaging tactics of emotional manipulation.
#EnergyProtection #SpiritualJourney #SelfCare #Boundaries #EmotionalHealth #SpiritualAwareness #PersonalGrowth #PositiveEnergy #MentalHealth #SpiritualGuidance #Empowerment #HealthyRelationships
