Chopin for kids


A positive effect of classical music on children has been proved by scientists. They claim that the frequency of the acoustic waves of classical pieces has a positive effect on the auditory centers of the brain of the child this brings him pleasure and contributes to the development of the brain.
Positive results from listening classical music:
Brings a sense of musical taste;
Instills emotional responsiveness;
A child with great pleasure will do physical exercise by music. Rhythmic exercises by music to improve coordination, posture of the child, clarity of movement and walking;
Singing to the music strengthens the vocal chords, develop speaking skills, correct singing posture deepens his breath;
Playing musical instruments, singing, dancing develop in the children the attention, self-discipline, fast reactions, fine motor skills of fingers;
Musical tales are perceived by children is much easier than just read mom, because they are easier to remember. They expand the horizon of the children;
Excitable children are encouraged to listen to relaxing music to balance your inner world;
Music classes in the group raise the child's mood, under the influence of a properly chosen rhythmic music, a variety of games and activities children learn to play and communicate with each other, is the fear of "new people";
Classical music will help you to learn and process new information;
The melody is perceived two hemispheres of the brain, so listening to good music improves megalocornea and vnutripolostny connection;
The melodies have a beneficial effect on digestion, overall health and sleep
Listen classical music (playlist):
• Классическая музыка дл...
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