Chitrangad & Vichitravirya: Kashi Princesses |mahabharat in English | season 1 episode 6

Dive into the intriguing saga of Satyavati's sons, Chitrangad and Vichitravirya, as they navigate the turbulent politics and battles of Hastinapur. Discover the valiant reign of Chitrangad, his tragic battle with the Gandharva king, and the ascension of Vichitravirya under the protective guidance of Bhishma. Witness the dramatic events of the swayamvara of the Kashi princesses and the fate of Vichitravirya, whose untimely death shapes the future of the Kuru dynasty. This captivating tale from the Mahabharata is brought to life through a whiteboard animation, offering a blend of mythology and history for enthusiasts
