China’s Soft Power Projection in Africa

China’s resource extraction and infrastructure lending programs in Africa are coordinated with a well-resourced effort to build Beijing’s soft power on the continent. China’s educational and media outreach programs have expanded significantly over the years. Thus far they have had mixed results. They are welcomed in some nations and looked upon warily in others. Even Africans who are enticed by Chinese offerings do not necessarily change their perceptions of the PRC.

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  • @Achrononmaster
    @Achrononmaster2 жыл бұрын

    Little tip for all African nations worried about giving away their real resources in return for renminbi --- study MMT, study it like your future depends on it. You want to optimize _real_ terms of trade, and not worry about the current account deficit (numbers on spreadsheets). First though, you absolutely must drive _domestic full employment_ in your own currency, so drop the CFA and drop pegs to the dollar, stop issuing bonds (basic income but only for people who already have money). Use a Job Guarantee to do this. Run a float, spend and then tax (in that order) in your own currency, do not borrow any foreign currency. Do not _ever_ worry if tax receipts are below spending, that is the normal steady state (because the private sector has anxiety and strong savings desires). So allow the government account balance deficit to float. If it goes into surplus and you have involuntary unemployment you've made a mistake. Fix this by hiring all the unemployed in public purpose work, or a job guarantee (where the worker chooses what they wish to do for public purpose) and do this regardless of the ex post facto budget outcome. If the government deficit increases and there is _still_ involuntary unemployment you've still made a policy mistake and not issued enough currency to meet savings desires and the tax liabilities, also you might have some corruption. So address the corruption but also run a higher deficit to get to full employment, to do so without inflation pressure run a wage floor with a job guarantee. Do not ever tax what you want to motivate (real and "green" production). Tax only the rentiers and polluters, tax them big time, and tax land but tax _non-owner-occupied_ real estate much more heavily than owner-occupied housing. Finally: sell your natural resources to China at a fair price but only _after_ you've set aside enough for domestic use. You sell only your surplus to needs as exports, and only in order to get imports, exports are your real cost, imports your real benefit. Exports are the _real_ price you pay for cheaper imports.
