Childhood Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: Multifamily Psychoeducational Psychotherapy

Katy and Kandice discuss evidenced-based psychoeducational psychotherapy (PEP) for treating children and adolescents with bipolar spectrum disorders or complicated depression. Throughout the video, they discuss individual family and multifamily PEP. The primary focus of this video is on multifamily PEP. Topics discussed include, but are not limited to: what treatment is, how it is conducted, questions to ask providers, and how to find a PEP therapist near you.
For more information about Individual Family PEP, use the link below:
To find providers near you, use any link below:
*Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
*APA Practice Organization
*Wyoming Association of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Centers
*American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy
A list of questions you may wish to ask potential providers:
*Are you licensed to practice therapy in this state?
*Are the other therapists who will be working with my child licensed in this state?
*Have you received training in PEP? Do you offer individual family or multifamily therapy?
*How much experience do you have with this therapy?
*What is your success rate with this therapy?
*What are the risks associated with this treatment? How can I recognize problems if they occur?
*Can my family and I meet with all therapists who will be involved in treatment before we begin?
*What options do I have to pay for treatment? Do you offer a sliding fee scale?
*How soon can we begin treatment?
*Will treatment progress be monitored? Who will do this and how?
*What can I do if I don’t feel this treatment is working?
*After treatment ends, what comes next?
Note: the song featured in this video is "Soft Piano" by Wedding Music.
