Chasing Fireflies - "Stop Being Cute"


As an adult -- you probably have a favorite store or designer. Penn can lose himself in an Apple store for days. Me? Drop me off in front of a Williams-Sonoma and I'm good for at least a week. (YES! I NEED a ruffled pie plate in every color)
For our children, it's Chasing Fireflies. They don't have a brick and mortar store -- but the send these catalogs. THE CATALOGS. They are like something out of a dream for a little one. The clothes and costumes are fantasy-like. I don't even know how we got on their mailing list years ago but they are our special occasion go-to since their catalog made it to our mailbox.
SIDE NOTE: You remember those striped Christmas Jammies we wore last year? Yep. We bought them from Chasing Fireflies.
Additional side note from Mom on a SoapBox: I don't know about you -- but it's been harder and harder for me to find age appropriate clothing for my little girl. She's seven. Does she need an off-the shoulder, midriff baring shirt? A scoop neck, glitter dress? SHE'S SEVEN. So I'm thrilled when she circles a sweet dress in the Chasing Fireflies catalog.
So imagine our children's reaction when we got a call FROM Chasing Fireflies.
Here's the video we produced about our children's obsession with Chasing Fireflies.
-The Holderness Family

