Charlotte Woolwine's Story: Fighting Kids Cancer (Video 1)

On September 27th, 2018 Kelly & Jessica Woolwine took their sweet 3 year old daughter, Charlotte, to doctor thinking she had her first stomach bug. Their infant son, Foxx, was only weeks old. In less than 24 hours, they learned that Charlotte had stage 4 metastatic hepatoblastoma (a rare pediatric liver cancer), which had spread to both lungs. The next day she received a surgically implanted port and first round of chemo. They were shattered and shocked. They would never be the same again.
The statistics were too bleak to read. They were soon transported to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where they stayed for almost a year. Jessica & Kelly missed most of our son Foxx's first year of life. The Unicorn Warrior Princess, Charlotte, has endured more than a dozen surgeries in her lungs and abdomen, including two liver transplant surgeries. She has endured over two years of powerful chemo and countless transfusions.
As of today, Charlotte is a thriving little girl, going to dance class, excelling in school and making great friends!
