Charity- Beyond Monetary Giving (Ep. 4) Ramadan & Community Series w/Sh. Muhammad Ahmed

In this final episode, Shaykh Muhammad Ahmed discusses the Prophet's (SAW) inherent generosity, which intensifies during Ramadan, highlighting the importance of visible acts of kindness during this month.
He emphasizes that charity goes beyond monetary donations, encompassing time, energy, and assistance to those in need. This sentiment is reinforced by a Hadith urging kindness to others to seek Allah's help in times of distress, underlining the reciprocal nature of helping others now and receiving divine assistance later.
He encourages ongoing acts of generosity, including daily giving, volunteering, and following the Prophet's tradition of aiding others. He concludes by urging readers to reflect on practical lessons from Ramadan and continue charitable practices beyond the month.
0:15 - Introduction to Prophet's generosity and its amplification during Ramadan.
0:46 - Highlighting Ramadan as a time for increased generosity and visible difference in behavior.
0:55 - Expanding the concept of charity beyond monetary donations.
1:36 - Emphasizing the importance of giving back, especially during Ramadan.
1:05 - Introducing a Hadith emphasizing the reciprocal nature of helping others.
1:32 - Reiterating the significance of giving back in light of the impending Day of Judgment.
1:50 - Providing quick tips for practicing generosity, including daily giving and volunteering.
2:07 - Reminding of the Prophet's tradition of generosity and its relevance today.
2:15 - Conclusion of the series, urging practical takeaways for Ramadan and beyond.
