Chapter One : RAW

Renee Vincent is a passionate advocate for the principles of harm reduction and believes in the importance of supporting those who struggle with substance misuse. In her latest project, she has teamed up with her brother Allan Taylor, who is alcohol dependent, to create a powerful video that aims to showcase the importance of harm reduction principles.
The video serves as a reminder that it is possible to maintain a positive relationship with someone who is misusing substances such as alcohol. Renee and Allan's story is a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and support in the face of addiction. Through their own experiences, they have learned that harm reduction principles can make all the difference in helping individuals cope with the challenges of substance misuse.
In the video, Renee and Allan share their personal journey, highlighting the ups and downs they have experienced along the way. They discuss the struggles of dealing with addiction, the impact it has on family and friends, and the importance of harm reduction principles in managing the risks associated with substance misuse.
By sharing their story, Renee and Allan hope to break down the stigma surrounding substance misuse and inspire others to seek help and support. They want people to know that there is hope, and that even in the face of addiction, it is possible to maintain positive relationships and lead fulfilling lives.
Overall, Renee Vincent's harm reduction video with her brother Allan Taylor is a powerful testament to the importance of empathy, compassion, and support in the face of addiction. Their message is one of hope, and serves as a reminder that with the right mindset and approach, anything is possible.
