Ch2 Sa1 S1 E7 Operation Snow Blind Pt 2


"EIS! I told you to stop messing with my private logs! Hey! Stop! N-
Primary operator temporarily disabled. Providing encrypted message.
546f2077 686f6d65 76657220 69732076 69657769 6e67206f 72207265 636f7264 696e6720 74686973 2c206265 20776172 6e656420 796f7520 61726520 6265696e 67207761 74636865 6420616e 64207472 61636564 20617420 74686973 20766572 79206d6f 6d656e74 2e205468 65726520 6973206e 6f776865 72652079 6f752063 616e2052 7c5f7c7c 5c7c2061 736a3b68 6b726466 676c
Connection broken.
I told you not to mess with me, EIS. Next time, I'm going to force restart you."
-Creeper Spartan 117

