Catch the Spirit! Pensacola Christian College (PCC) 1999 Video Viewbook

Catch the Spirit! Pensacola Christian College Video Viewbook from 1999

Пікірлер: 13

  • @briansulfridge7235
    @briansulfridge72353 жыл бұрын

    Blast from the past. I was half way through college there when this came out. I still remember when they recorded the chapel song.

  • @turbogamer4809
    @turbogamer48093 жыл бұрын

    Whoa... this is unreal. Simply exquisite

  • @spwash1000
    @spwash10003 жыл бұрын

    This was back when Jim Schettler was pastor of the Campus Church during that time!

  • @davidbehman4836
    @davidbehman4836 Жыл бұрын

    Great upload!

  • @eastonjones3571
    @eastonjones35713 жыл бұрын

    Lol! At least we don't still run in collared shirts and dress pants!!

  • @realityisbest8963


    9 күн бұрын

    That was a nightmare!

  • @aaronc4724
    @aaronc47243 жыл бұрын

    The only problem is it is not real life with their strict rules.

  • @voicevitality7197


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @emilygrace1960
    @emilygrace19602 жыл бұрын

    Do you have any of the other view book videos from years past this? I was in one between 2000 and 2004 but I can’t remember which one.

  • @joshuapuett


    2 жыл бұрын

    Nope, just this one

  • @paulmeade4862
    @paulmeade48622 жыл бұрын

    2:17 is that David Sheppard?

  • @redeemedsinner8091
    @redeemedsinner8091 Жыл бұрын

    Sadly, the leadership of Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and their Campus Church (on the property of PCC) have a snobby, intolerant, unforgiving, hateful spirit toward anyone who dares to question their doctrine or policies. I live in Pensacola. I attended Campus Church for a few months in 2021, but learned quickly that their senior pastor Jeff Redlin is not a nice man. I kindly told Pastor Redlin that my former wife sadly divorced me 15 years earlier in 2006, and that after all these years of loneliness, I hoped to find a woman at Campus Church to remarry. He immediately condemned me, scolding me for daring to even consider remarriage. He told me in front of his own wife that if I did find a woman, he refused to perform the wedding. I felt so despised and unwanted as a new church member. In truth, I never asked him to perform any wedding. The guy freaked out about the issue! The sad truth is that PCC are out of touch with reality, and they don't know how to treat people (and sadly don't want to learn). People don't care what you KNOW, until they know that you CARE. There is no permissive will of God at PCC, you must live a perfect life or else you will be on the outside looking in at Campus Church. PCC are a bunch of academic types who woefully lack God's compassion for people. I came to Campus Church as a 54 year old divorced man with a broken life and a hurting soul. Jeff Redlin mistreated me in his self-righteous pride. The way that you treat people matters! I was very nice to everyone at Campus Church and PCC. At PCC you will need to walk a fine line if you attend their school, dotting your i's and crossing your t's, or else they will quickly reject and ostracize you. Pastor Jeff Redlin made me feel dejected as a human being. After I left Campus Church in frustration, I was sad and lonely over the next several months, missing the friends I had made at PCC's church. So in June and July of 2022, I wrote three separate letters, pleading respectfully for forgiveness from pastor Jeff Redlin, assistant pastor Timothy Zacharias, Campus Church and PCC for offending them in 2021. I humbly offered to do whatever they require to make peace with them. They waited six weeks to finally respond! That is how horrible they abuse people! And when Pastor Redlin did finally reply on August 2nd, 2022 to my June 17th, 2022 letter, he hypocritically said that I was forgiven, but since I had made "consequential" remarks against them on social media, they would NOT allow me to attend Campus Church anymore. I was heart broken. That is not God's love! That is not Bible Christianity. That is hatred, a religious cult, an institution that only cares about making more money, and doesn't care or have any compassion for hurting people. Mr. Redlin gets paid a very lucrative 6-digit salary! Religious crime pays well. Once you offend the gods at PCC, it's over, you're out! There are no second chances, no love, no understanding, no reconciliation, just the exit door! At PCC they offer a superficial type of forgiveness on paper (to protect their public image), which doesn't include actually forgiving a person enough to allow them to attend church services (which is everyone's right as a child of God). Even though I promised to remove all my criticisms from social media, with the understanding that they would let me come back to Campus Church, they still refused. It is shameful how Jeff Redlin and Timothy Zacharias hold grudges, discard hurting people and play God with people's lives. Pensacola Christian College is a religious cult! Campus Church finished the fiscal year 2020 with $1,200,000 left in the bank (their yearly income was $3,500,000). Yet, when I attended Campus Church they required church members to pay $10 to attend a meeting on how to more effectively share the Gospel. That is pathetic! With all that cheddar in the bank, they still want people to pay $10 to learn how to share the Gospel more effectively. That speaks volumes about PCC's horribly wrong attitude toward Bible truth, getting lost sinners saved and the love of money. I could go on about some of the problems with Campus Church and PCC, the worst being that they are arrogant and refuse to hear any constructive criticisms. They will chop your head off like a turkey on Thanksgiving Day if you dare to question the gods who run PCC. They have a false humility. I say this all kindly with Christ's unconditional love. I have been praying for the PCC camp, that they will see the errors of their horrible selfish ways, and welcome me back to attend their church (as I am still humbly begging them). I don't agree with some things doctrinally at PCC, but I miss my friends. Sadly, the Christian army is the only army in the world that kills its wounded. All I want is to attend Campus Church, but Jeff Redlin and PCC leadership still refuse. I don't recommend PCC for young people. The only reason I want to go back to Campus Church is because I still have some friends there, whom I miss and love. Leadership is hateful at PCC, who selectively only care about people with money. Dear prospective student, please search Google for the umpteen PCC students who have been mistreated, expelled, banned from graduating and treated like garbage by PCC leadership, before you end up a victim too. Look before you leap! If you want a GREAT Bible college, check out Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, KY (they are a citywide soulwinning church and Bible college, but PCC is not. Also, PCC denies that the King James Bible is inspired, but Commonwealth Baptist College teaches that the King James Bible is inspired). PCC can only train you to be a religious academic, but you won't grow into the soulwinning, people-loving, real human being that God desires for you to be. If you want to become a religious robot that hates, rejects and refuses to give a second chance to those who offend you, as they are doing to me right now, then PCC is your vice. I speak from the heart. People just want to be loved. I have four adult children of my own. Do you really want to attend a religious college with those kind of people running things? Do you want them influencing you spiritually? Do you really want to become like them? My name is David J. Stewart. I graduated from Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993) with a degree in Pastoral Theology. I have no regrets and love my home college and Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001). But I wouldn't recommend HAC today, because they have horribly changed for the worse since 2008, now denying the inspiration of the King James Bible. The infamous atheist Voltaire said: “The Bible is not the inspired, inerrant and 100% historically true words of God. ...If we would destroy the Christian religion, we must first of all destroy man’s belief in the Bible.” -Voltaire (French philosopher, 1694-1778) It is vitally important that you only attend a Bible college that actually believes we have an inspired Holy Bible today. God only authored One Book, not hundreds! Dr. Hyles loved his enemies and gave people second chances, and third, and fourth, et cetera. Jesus called Judas (who betrayed Him), "Friend." Either you love everyone or else you love no one. You won't learn that at PCC, you will learn to hate those who offend you, and to reject them. Something is very wrong with the leadership at Campus Church and PCC. Hey, ask them about me at Campus Church and PCC. They hate my guts (although they won't admit it), but I love them with God's love. They're mad at me because I dared to criticize their pastor on social media (because PCC sinfully bids Godspeed to the Bob Jones University cult who preach Lordship Salvation). I'm only human. It doesn't matter that I am trying to make peace with PCC, or that I have apologized to all of them repeatedly at PCC, or that I promised them to do what I can to make things right with PCC, they still REFUSE to welcome me back. Sadly, they have some real issues at Campus Church and PCC. Their leaders are so intolerant that if you ever criticize them, they will never forgive you. Oh sure, they'll superficially say that they forgive you (to protect their public image), but they won't permit you to attend Campus Church anymore, or remain enrolled in their college. The PCC camp demand absolute loyalty and submission to their authority, and if you challenge them in any way, you're out! When I attended Campus Church, Jeff Redlin abused me emotionally, berating me as a divorced man, making me feel like garbage as a human being. When I kindly confronted him about it, he was defensive, claiming that it wasn't intentional. These people have a serious problem with admitting when they are WRONG! I sincerely reached out to Pastor Redlin in June, July and August of 2022, explaining my broken life, hurting soul, loneliness and desire to start a new life at Campus Church, and asked for his help spiritually. In response he spat upon me with his cruel words, flushing my feelings down the toilet with his Pharisaical self-righteous bigotry. Redlin literally told me: "it would best serve the Kingdom of God if you attend church elsewhere." Who talks like that? These people at PCC are out of touch with reality and real people! I will make peace with them anytime they choose. Please don't let them get away with their hatred, by rewarding them for ostracizing hurting people like me, forbidding me from attending Campus Church. They are behaving like a cult, not God's children. Something is WRONG with these people at PCC! There is no love in that place. Thank you for reading. = -)

  • @sr-ty7gb


    Жыл бұрын

    This is really a simple matter. Go to another Church and allow this Church do its thing. The Catholic Church makes you pull teeth to join after being divorced. Muslims, Catholics, Protestants and Judaism all have rules. Protestants are perhaps the most diverse. That said Nazarenes, Pentacostals and some Baptist are among many Churches you wont like. But you need to explain how mean they are because they wont bend for YOU. YOU think YOU are enlightened enough to enlighten them. Did you ever think just how mean and hateful YOU are for tearing them down online for their beliefs. Basically you have your interpretation of scripture and think everyone must follow it. Sounds really manipulative and controlling to me. Something is WRONG with YOU...there is no love in your above post...just mean-spirited hate. You threw an entire place and all its people under the bus because you didn't get your way. Temper tantrum much?